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Re: [RC] 10 minute mile - Truman Prevatt

A 10 minute mile is six miles an hour. Thats a pretty good clip at a walk. I suspect most horses average about 2 to 4 mph at the walk and most humans are closer to 2 than to 4. At six mph I would expect most trotting horses would jog or trot.


heidi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Virtually NOBODY walks a 10 minute mile (I can do it with a super power walk on a paved road. But nobody can keep up with me when I am doing it).

My horse does.

And how "fair" is it that rides that have finish lines further away from the vet check allow riders more time (because they are allowed the more time than the stated 30 minutes walk from the end of the race to the vet check) to vet in their horses than those rides that have the finish lines closer in?

How "fair" is it to have a mile of your ride not counted in the ride timie? Gee, you can finish 49 miles in 12 hours and then take a whole additional hour right now to do your last mile.
At our ride, the mileage wasn't "finished" until you went the distance into camp. So why should you get the "freebie" time by stopping the clock a mile away? (Actually, at ours where we added 10 minutes, it was only half a mile, which I can walk on foot, even when I'm tired, if you want to get picky.)
Really, your ride time should reflect what it takes you to do the WHOLE course. So when there is reason to stop the racing some distance away from camp, the only "fair" way to calculate ride time is to add an average time that it takes people to do the last bit of the trail and add it onto the time when the clock "stopped" to stop the racing.
PS: BTW, what earthly difference does it make to the topic under discussion if the time given in the example works for you or not?
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RE: [RC] 10 minute mile, heidi