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[RC] My recruitment - rides2far@xxxxxxxx

I had read about endurance when I was a teen and was dying to do it, 
even wrote a paper on it in the 11th grade, but Tevis was the only 
thing I found any info on. Didn't even know there was a ride east of 
the Mississippi I don't guess. 

Got married, quit trying to show & such but did more trail riding 
than ever. When I was 26 (1986) and pregnant a trail riding 
acquaintance of mine called me and told me she had met some real live 
endurance riders and they were going to come to her place and go 
riding Sunday!  I drove an hour to get to her house and took my 
husband to ride his horse with them while I sat at her house, just so 
he could tell me what it was like. I just looked at them as they 
saddled & unsaddled...in awe.

Then I had my baby and thought I couldn't possibly compete...the 
closest one was 100 miles away!! (If ONLY they had one in my town!) 
My friend did one 50 on her mule and started badgering me to get my 
horse in training. I told her it was impossible, my husband worked 56 
hours a week and we were poor with me staying home with an infant.

My big 16 hand App was off the track and I'd done barrels with him. 
He was a real handful and after 10 years of riding him I was ready 
for something sane now that I was a mama. I put him up for sale but 
everyone who tried him was scared of him, except one man who kind of 
wanted him, but I didn't like him so I got on and kinda did the spin 
him in circles one direction, then the other, then backed him 50' to 
jazz him up then he bot all tall, bowed up and snorty hopping up and 
down on his toes and the guy and he left. :-)  

The friend who'd competed called me to see if I'd had any luck 
selling him and I said, "Nobody wants him, I guess I'll have to do 
endurance with him" and she took me SERIOUSLY. She said, OK, here's 
what you do. This week you'll ride him an hour each day for 5 days, 
then we'll all do 20 miles Saturday. She sounded so confident I just 
decided to try it. I got out of bed at 4:45. I went to the farm a 
mile away where I kept him, saddled him in the dark, rode an hour and 
climbed back in bed with the baby just as Bill was leaving for work 
at 7:30. It was great. I used to wake up at 10 AM and feel like I'd 
dreamed I rode that morning.>g<

I overtrained that horse too, but he did get to where he was a very 
fun, sane ride when you rode the fool out of him (literally). I ended 
up straining his tendon two weeks before the ride. I was heartbroken, 
but decided to pull another Appaloosa I'd just bought to resale out 
of the field and do the 25. When I got to the ride and did the 25 it 
was over so quick I almost cried. I'd trained so hard and in 2 1/2 
hrs. was done (it was cool, he trotted like a freight train and FLEW 
down hills). 

After I finished I was walking through camp and saw my friend. She 
was in tears. She was a big woman and liked to train her horse 
herself but get a slim friend to ride it on ride day. Her slim friend 
had whacked her knee on a tree after 25 miles and pulled herself! (if 
she'd been the person who'd trained so hard to get the horse there I 
bet she wouldn't have). Anyway, I said, "Let me finish it" and being 
the stupid beginners we were it sounded sensible to us. She drove me 
to the away check where the horse was standing eating hay and all the 
other riders had been gone for some time. I got a leg up on her and 
took off. I could barely reach the stirrups on their highest notch 
and tiptoed the whole 25 miles. I actually passed 2 horses and it was 
the most exciting thing I'd ever done. We were such doofs, we even 
got the ride manager to tell us that he thought it was OK for us to 
give the 1st Appaloosa award...which our club sponsored, to this 
mare...because after all it wasn't an AERC award so who cared if we 
had switched riders? It's a wonder the lady on the 1st App who 
completed under AERC rules didn't kick our tails.

There was absolutely no doubt I was totally, completely hooked from 
the first ride. So, my lineage was that I was recruited by my 
App/mule riding friend, who was recruited by the Arab riding 
endurance rider who had spotted her reading a horse magazine at their 
elementary school's car pickup line and recruited her. 

Those guys had the old Linda & Wentworth Tellington-Jones book that 
they lived by and loaned it to me along with some early 80's 
yearbooks. When I started recruiting people I photocopied every 
article out of 10 years worth of Equus that mentioned endurance & 
training and we loaned the big brown envelope full of them to every 
new rider we brought in and we watched Darolyn's Farnum endurance/ct 
tape. I listened to Matthew Mackay Smith's lecture over and over. The 
main image I remember is the coathanger. If you bend it over and over 
in the same place, it eventually breaks. That was what kept happening 
to me. Too much stress...not enough time to heal. I train so much 
less now to go so much farther.


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