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Re: [RC] [RC-Digest] Vol: 03.4699 -
Diane Trefethen
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Re: [RC] [RC-Digest] Vol: 03.4700 trails -
[RC] Help requested from you rescuers - Dolores Arste
Hi all you wonderful rescuers out there. I could use some help.
I don't know if this will work or not. But, my neighbor down here
in Arkansas has a herd of underfed, untouched horses. Many
are Arabians and some are paints. In the last 2 weeks one
stallion killed another stallion and 3 other horses died.
Everyone around here knows about him but no one is really doing
anything. Last week I told him he might as well dig a hole and burn
his money rather that keep these horses. So, I've set the seed I hope.
My next plan is to see if I can get a list of the horses he has and
what he would take for each one. If I could get him to commit
to placing all of these horses I would sleep better at night.
Some of the Arabians are beautiful. One was coming thru
the woods to visit my Morgan stallion. I don't see her anymore
and I don't go back there unless there is a very good reason.
I would love to hear feedback from you who have more
experience with this. I understand that once he was
reported for cruelly but was tipped off ahead of time
and got things acceptable before anyone came. I tried to
help with an older mare by telling him what he could feed
her to help her gain weight. I don't know if he did it.
There is a vet down here that has been to this place and
he vets at some of the AERC rides. So, I think I could garner
some support. But, I want to stay on good or as good as
possible terms with him since I am an outsider. So, drop
me a note off list if
you have any comments on my plan
or suggestions for
a different plan.
518 461 3470
[RC] Help requested from you rescuers
Karen Everhart
[RC] rescues
patty peck
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Heidi Vanderbilt
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Re: [RC] [RC-Digest] Vol: 03.4699 -
Diane Trefethen
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