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Re: [RC] Angies book as a shopping guide:-) - rides2far

Merry Christmas everyone.
I got riding clothes for Christmas. Cotton sweatshirts !!!
Let my mom borrow Angies book to get a better understanding

I'm glad it worked for you. I'm really worried about bad reprocussions
for myself. Tomorrow I will be exchanging gifts with my family for the
first time since they've had the book. Since they'd never read the
magazine, I didn't even bother to change the descriptions of my least
favorite gifts, so now I've got to face the sister who gave me the silk
shirt & linen skirt. :-(  Also, though I hate getting dressy clothes for
Christmas (I like toys) I just realized that's the only way I ever get
anything nice...so now they'll be afraid to buy them for me and I'm
incompetent at buying them for myself. :-((

On the bright side, Bill got me a pair of ice boots, a GPS, a good lead
rope, hay bag and polo wraps!!! >g<

Angie (off to another family gathering toting my signature broccoli


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