The biggest problems we used to have were 1)
riders who wanted to go home immediately and would walk up and ask for their
award before we even had the finish order back from the finish line, and 2)
people who didn't stay for the awards and proceeded to leave during my awards
presentation. Now that we are offering only 75 and a 100 mile rides, we
don't have this problem. People stay overnight to catch up on their
sleep, and our breakfast is so good that no one wants to miss it.
I applaud your willingness to bring this to the
fore. It happens over and over at NATRC rides, too. Not only
during awards but during Ride Briefings. I have been so frustrated with
the general attitude that indicates folks think they have no responsibility in
demonstrating "good manners". If you figure out an answer besides
"smackin' em up the side of the head", let me know!!