Saturday afternoon/early evening, riders have gathered to eat the Saturday post-ride meal, followed by the awards ceremony.? It's something we look forward to, even when we're not getting any award.? The ride we were at last weekend, however, left us with a sour taste.? Throughout most of the presentations, and especially at the end portion, there was so much side conversation that we could not even hear the ride manager as she tried her best to read the names of each rider receiving an award.? We?realize these award ceremonies are not the?Academy?Awards, but where is the common courtesy, for crying out loud?? It's certainly not the first time we've seen this happen, but this was above and beyond rude.? If you don't want to be polite and listen for a few minutes, please don't come to the awards.? There are those of us that like to listen and clap for each and every rider whose name is called.? I would think that the ride manager might be annoyed also.? What's up??