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Re: [RC] Cushings, Stringhalt: hereditary or not? -
Milinda Ellis
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RE: [RC] Did you know?? Sunglasses -
Tracey Lomax
[RC] Foxcatcher 50 Mile results - Alissa Cowan
The 50 Mile results for the Foxcatcher endurance ride on April 22 have been posted to our website. If you find any erroers please let us know. Check out:
Congrats to our top ten!
Tom Hutchison (and BC!)
Vicki Stanislawski
Kathy Brunjes
Sandra Conner
Sarah Fletcher
Fran Ligler
April Dobson
Lisa Durant
Paul Calandra
Mary Coleman
And congrats to all 44 riders who finished this wet and muddy course.
Many thanks to our vets and volunteers for braving the rain all day - you were wonderful!
Hope to see you all next spring in Maryland.
Alissa Norman
Foxcatcher Endurance
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RE: [RC] Did you know?? Sunglasses -
Tracey Lomax
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Re: [RC] Cushings, Stringhalt: hereditary or not? -
Milinda Ellis
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[RC] Cushings, Stringhalt: hereditary or not?
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[RC] Lost horses at Chicken Chase