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[RC] breakover - Ridecamp Guest

Please Reply to: Jessica Wysocki syreino@xxxxxxx or ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ribbons is barefoot, we've completed 500 miles (ECTRA) and 300 miles (AERC) 
with her only in steel shoes for one 50 with muscle problems afterwards (may or 
may not have been shoe related) and her in Old Macs for one 50 with terrible 
rubbing even with protection.  I have looked into Ground Controls and Equiflex, 
but unfortunately they didn't fit her properly.  She's got a club foot and my 
farrier refuses, even with plastic shoes to put different size shoes on because 
"an ounce at the hoof is a pound at the shoulder".

Because she's a hard fit for shoes, even steel shoes (she wore 0000 for the one 
time she was shod, but she's really in between sizes), we attempted the OD 50 
this year wtih Easy Boots, however she also has moderately severe DJD from her 
knee surgery and going up and down the hills at OD with easy boots was enough 
to create lameness for a pull with months off and a new routine of physical 
therapy and new "rolled toe" barefoot trim that is currently working great for 

I was a firm believer in boots, but I would caution anyone now to seriously 
think about their horses legs, any conformational problems and the need for 
breakover.  I would hate to see someone else have to deal with the issues we 
are dealing with, with success at the moment, which could change at any second. 
  She's got great feet, it's the knee that is the problem and overtime she'll 
have to be in rolled toe shoes and progress to rocker toe shoes all because her 
mom made a really stupid rider error.

I appreciate every ride I have with Rib, whether it be training, dressage 
lesson or out on the endurance trails because I never know if this is my last 
one with her, please make sure your horse can handle the different breakovers 
of hoof boots prior to using them and save yourselves a lot of agony and 
watching your dream horse recover from your stupid mistake.

Jessica and Ribbons

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