Okay, I have one. It involves horses and a husband who likes animals
too much! hehe
This happened when we lived in the bay area years ago before we
moved. My friend Carla and her sister had just moved their horses from a
place in Los Gatos to a place in Almaden Valley somewhere.
Anyway, it was pretty much way out there in the country.
One saturday, we went out to visit them and their horses and check out
the new place. My daughter also rode one of Carla's horses. We had
fun exploring the new place and enjoyed the wildlife while my daughter was
riding Molly in the arena. Lots of turkeys running around too.
Carla, Angela and I were by the barn house talking and along comes this big
pig walking around the ranch..(not a person mind you). Well my husband,
Bob decides to follow this big piggy calling out, "here piggy piggy piggy, here
piggy, piggy and is trying to get close enough to pet the darn thing! We
all were a little horrified, but Carla, seeming to enjoy every last minute of
this scene. Then she decides to tell my Bob, "hey, wouldn't do that
anymore if I were you". Bob said, huh? how come? I'ts just a
pig...Carla says, (with BIG BIG GRIN) yes, it's a pig, but it's also a wild
FEMALE boar!!!!!!!!!! Ahahahahahhahahaahhahaha!! "I hope she likes
you! ahahahahahaha!
Man, he had followed it all the way up to a horse corral! And when she said
that (we were in hysterics by now), he climbed up that corral fence so
fast! I never knew he could climb! Like his butt was on fire or
something! His face was priceless! We almost decided to leave him
there with his little piggy friend! hehehehehe
Lucky for him that boar decided Bob wasn't his type! hehehehehehehe..