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RE: [RC] hobbles - Ranelle Rubin

I have had a horse lay down tied to the trailer, and get his feet under the
trailer! It was not a pretty sight. Fortunately he was ok. I was the only
one who opted to stay overnight that night so I was alone when I heard a
terrible sound banging on the trailer. Thank goodness for quick release
knots. I bought my first corral the next week! We use corrals or HiTies now.


-----Original Message-----
From: ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Jonni
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2005 12:30 PM
To: Ridecamp
Subject: [RC] hobbles

My horses have laid down tied to the trailer without hi-ties for years. They
can even roll. Never have had one of mine get caught on or under the
trailer.  99% of the NATRC rides the horses are tied to trailers, and I
would bet more folks do NOT have hi-ties than those that do.

Leg stakes can work well for some horses, but not others. Many people slip
the rope in a garden hose, so it will not wrap around the foot as easy.
Regular hobbles are often used in the mountains etc. by those who pack in,
so the horses can graze, but many keep one animal tied, so when the others
take off and leave, cantering down the trail in their hobbles (as some do
very well) they can have an animal to ride to go catch the others. LOL



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[RC] hobbles, Jonni