reminds me of another humorous conversation I was able to witness.? This happened in a National Park, I was
riding as a volunteer with the horse ranger.?
We came upon a group of people, one of them, a lady, had an obviously
well bred, very well trained dog, he was on heel, off leash.? Yet, in the state of CA, the CA leash law is
strictly enforced, 6’ leash or 6’ fence, period.
Ranger:? Hi, nice dog.
Lady:? Thank you.
Ranger:? Ma’am, your dog needs to be on
a leash.
getting dumber:? My dog is well trained,
we do this all the time (totally stupid answer).
Ranger:? I can see you have a
wonderfully trained dog, but the CA leash law is enforced within the park.? You are setting a bad example and he needs
to be on a leash.
Lady, getting
even dumber with federal law enforcement:?
He is on a leash, a verbal leash (and keeps walking paying the ranger
little mind).
Ranger:? Unless your tongue is 6’ long
you’re breaking the law and NOW, you’re getting a ticket.
Damn near
fell off my horse trying to hold the laughter in!? This ranger was so nice, all the lady had to say was sorry, ok,
and she wouldn’t have got that ticket, instead, she tried to convince the
ranger that her dog didn’t need to follow the rules, he was special you know!
<<There was a dog that was always loose and
always growling and snapping at people and horses. He liked to hide under the
trailer and when you walked by he'd get ya! And he was fast so you couldn't
kick him and neither could your horse. I guess he bit a few people.
?Well, I overheard a conversation at a
ride between the owner and someone who evidently got bit by his dog. It went
something like this.
Alleged victim: "You better get that
S.O.B dog on a leash!"
Not very bright owner: "Aww, he's
alright, ain't gonna hurt no one."
Victim: "Your dog bit me, now get him
on a leash!"
Really not bright owner: "Oh now, he
didn't bite you. He's a good dog."
Victim: "Well, my husband is a really
good vet, and he'll rip every damn tooth outta that dog's head if he bites me
again! You get him on a leash!"
Owner must now be a little more educated
as I haven't seen that dog in a while.
I am not a good vet, (I'm not a vet at all
:) but I do have a great pair of pliers. They ought to take care of that peeing
on the hay problem as well. Just a "wee" leeetle pinch will stop
that flow! Seriously, you can't blame the dogs. I don't think there is any such
thing as a stupid dog, (except greyhounds and they are "simple", not
stupid) just really ignorant dog owners. ?I can tell you this, the annoying dogs
have annoying owners and dog etiquette goes right over their heads. What
are you gonna do? Just drink a little more and chill out. Some things you just
can't control, like ignorant people.