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[RC] MUSTANGS!! - Ridecamp Guest

Please Reply to: Flora and Fran Steffan 2franch@xxxxxxxxxxxxx or 

To anyone who has a moment to read this post...thankyou in advance! A week ago 
my husband and I were camping with our horses in Eastern Oregon. We witnessed a 
round up of 350 mustangs just across the Oregon border in Northern Nevada. One 
thing lead to another and we ended adopting an 8 month old colt. To our 
surprise he was gentle as a lamb. In one day we had the halter on him leading 
him around.
  When we called the refuge to thank them and tell them how wonderful our 
little guy was doing, I was quite surprised at what was told to me. The refuge 
had only enough money to round them up. There were no funds for feed, 
veterinary care, castration or even proper holding facilities. These horses are 
dying everyday! Needless to say I was shocked! (And horrified)

  I have had horses all of my life and have never witnessed such poor 
conditions for any horse. It is inhumane to round them all up then let them not 
only starve, but kill each other inside of these tiny pens.

  Even if you cannot adopt one of these beautiful horses, please write letters 
to the Sheldon Refuge Att:Marla Bennett, Refuge Operation Specialist, Sheldon, 
NWR, Denio, NV (775) 941-0201.....These are not your normal box headed 
mustangs...many of them are very well put together. I would be glad to e-mail 
you photos of the mustangs, including the one we adopted. It would be better to 
destroy all of them than let them kill each other or starve to death! The 
adoption process is very simple and the cost is FREE!!!!

   I am not against them rounding up the mustangs, I just cannot sit here and 
let these horses or any others suffer. If we all voice our concerns the humane 
society will get involved. Call your local papers or news media. Here where I 
live 5 hours from Nevada, our local newspapers were more than willing to do 
news stories about these mustangs.

  This IS NOT a blm round up. This is a refuge in the middle of the Nevada 
desert where no one even knows about these horses, that so desperately need to 
be adopted. The agency will have to be accountable if enough of us voice our 

  Thank you so much!

alwaz Flora

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