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[RC] Fear - rides2far@xxxxxxxx

Well, I've been reading the posts from people who sold the horse that had a 
tendency to hurt them, then I got to thinking...why did I really never get 
scared of Kaboot? He turned three flips on me through the years, two ended up 
with surgery and steel plates, the third bruised ribs (can't *imagine what 
broken ones feel like cause these felt broke to me)

I think it's a matter of percentages. You start keeping score the day you get 
hurt. As of that day 100% of the time you ride, you get hurt. After one "non 
injury" ride it drops to 50%, then 33, then 25, then 20... When it gets down to 
about 3% or so you relax again. :-)  I think maybe I just rode Kaboot so many 
miles that even though he hurt me it was still such a tiny percentage of the 
times we rode I continued to trust him...somewhat. I will admit that I looked 
for a different type movement when shopping for my new horse. Thought I picked 
one that looked less prone to missteps. The other day I was lunging him and his 
rear end hit a slick spot and he fell. Bill ordered me to schedule surgery to 
remove the last plate right now since it's dangerous to fall on it again. Oh 
boy, here we go again. >g<

As to the broken helmet request, I sent mine back to Troxle and they gave me a 
new helmet in exchange. You might request one from them.


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