Re: [RC] The Numbers Are Running Against Us - Truman Prevatt
Endurane riding sure won't support a breeding industry. The AHR has not
done a good job promoting it's horse outside the show ring. How many
recreational riders do you see on Arabs? How many do you see on the QH
or gaited horse? At some point it will catch up with them.
It is sort of like a self eatting watermellon - you breed them for the
show ring (with the exception of a few breeders that really care about
"using horses") and promote them for the show ring. You have a limited
number of people and a limited number of horses. They trade breedings
and produce the same thing, die off and what is left?
In IMO the worst mistake that is being made by the AHR is not marketing
their product for the recreational rider. True the recreatinal riders
don't spend $20,000 for a horse but at least in FL the folks that want
Arabs can to the the acutions and get one for less than 1000 while most
folks I know on walking horses spend on the order of $5,000 and up for
a trail horse. If I were on the AHR board I'd sure see something wrong
with this picture.
BTW I've placed top ten many times on my walker, actually won one ride
with two seconds. She has done a sub 4 hour 50 and could have done more
if I had let her. She had a BC and a ROC finish and you know what she
was a hell of a lot more fun to ride than the Arab I'm currently
riding. Not that I don't like the Jbird and not that he isn't a good
horse, he just has a very big pair of shoes to fill. An unusual horse
for her breed maybe, but she will probably be the best horse I've ever
ridden. And when the rubber hits the road that is all that counts.
Lif Strand wrote:
At 07:07
PM 10/1/2004, Truman Prevatt wrote:
When I go on the trails there are very few
people on Arabs. You see paints, QH's but where I ride (FL) what you
seem most are gaited horses mostly walking horses. The TWHBEA has done
a good job promoting it breed as trail horses. They support trails
conferences. They support trail riders along with show horses.
What does the AHR support besides the show ring? Endurance is a very
small market. If the AHR is serious about its breed it will do much
more to convience the recreational rider - the pool that we pull many
endurance riders from - that the Arab is a good horse for them. Most of
the people on walking horses I come across see no reason in the world
why they would ever want to ride an Arab. Given I have both in my
pasture I guess I can see their point and more importantly the AHR is
doing absolutely nothing to change their minds.
I hope everyone goes out and gets breeds other than Arabians to ride in
endurance. Then when I've got my Arabians conditioned, I'll hit the
trail and start racking up the BCs and Top 10s. Can't wait!
Lif Strand
Quemado NM USA
High Country Rider: An endurance rider's journal
-- "It is necessary to be noble, and yet take humility as a basis
is necessary to be noble, and yet
take humility as a basis.
It is necessary
to be exalted, and yet take modesty as a foundation."