Re: [RC] The Numbers Are Running Against Us - Truman Prevatt
When I go on the trails there are very few people on Arabs. You see
paints, QH's but where I ride (FL) what you seem most are gaited horses
mostly walking horses. The TWHBEA has done a good job promoting it
breed as trail horses. They support trails conferences. They support
trail riders along with show horses.
What does the AHR support besides the show ring? Endurance is a very
small market. If the AHR is serious about its breed it will do much
more to convience the recreational rider - the pool that we pull many
endurance riders from - that the Arab is a good horse for them. Most of
the people on walking horses I come across see no reason in the world
why they would ever want to ride an Arab. Given I have both in my
pasture I guess I can see their point and more importantly the AHR is
doing absolutely nothing to change their minds.
Ridecamp Guest wrote:
Please Reply to: Don MacIntosh pasang@xxxxxxx or ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
"Arabian Horse Magazine", current issue, at page 147 tells how the Arabian horse today stacks up numberwise vs paints and QH's. TB's were not mentioned. We Arabian horse owners are now very much "little fellows" and destined to stay that way unless we wake up and buck up. For example AHM says 51% of purebred Arabians "are 16 years and older". Not the best ages for breeding. Last year 8,000+ Arabians registered while 60,000+ paints registered and the QH folk produced "160,000 new foals last year." Arabian production is outgunned 20 to 1 vs QH's. We should breed and promote a few more good horses and not sit on our hands while the herd simply ages out into residual fond memories. dnm
-- "It is necessary to be noble, and yet take humility as a basis
is necessary to be noble, and yet
take humility as a basis.
It is necessary
to be exalted, and yet take modesty as a foundation."