Make plans now to attend the All Kidding Aside
Competitive Trail Ride and 2nd annual Ride and Tie!
If you can't ride, we can use all the help we can
get! I feed and gift all helpers.
This year I really need help. I've just found out
that my husband and best helper ever will be deployed with our FEMA team (sorry,
can't talk about it) that week, starting the friday of the ride.
As some of you know, I've recently had knee surgery
and won't be quite up to par just yet.
I need help!!!!! I'm probably ok on pulse people,
but I need timers, drag riders, and general go-getters. I will especially need
help packing everything back up to go home. David will help me get to camp on
thursday, but he'll be gone when it comes time for me to go home.
We're planning on having a great time! For food
this year, we're having the hokiest luau imaginable! Prizes for best Hawaiian
shirt, prizes for anyone completing the ride while wearing a grass skirt, and
prize for best use of coconuts. I can't wait to see what you wacky folks come up
Hope to see you all there!
Maggie Herlensky
PS I'm only reading archives right now, so email
off list please!