Re: [RC] wolves and end of arguement here - heidiThe Washington Times is known to be fairly "biased." Even the people that read it will admit that. They also are known for not being too careful with their checking out of facts, i.e., getting multiple verification of sources. So if a story is only reported in the Washington Times, I'd be very skeptical of it's validity. The lynx story was reported in a great many places besides the WA times. BTW, same argument goes for the French being authorities on what it costs to run cattle on public lands, Truman--they, like our own liberal folks with an undenied agenda to remove ranchers and cattle, look only at the AUM charge and don't take into account any of the other costs. The French are well-known for not quite getting their ducks in a row when it comes to politics. Heidi ============================================================ Arabians were bred for years primarily as a war horse and those requirements are similar to what we do today with endurance riding. ~ Homer Saferwiffle information: ============================================================