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  • - Joe Long

    Re: [RC] Director at Large - Joe Long

    On Tue, 1 Oct 2002 12:47:02 -0700 (PDT), Susan Young Casey
    <glenn218@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
    >I, on the other hand, am acustomed to paying
    >non-member fees whenever I show or participate in an
    >event to which I don't subscribe to the sanctioning
    That the practice is common at horse shows is one of the bad things
    about horse shows.  (I don't do horse shows.)
    I once went to a Contra dance in Denver.  I'd checked out the website
    of the sponsoring club and was expecting to join the club.  When I got
    to the dance, they charged a dollar extra for non-members.  I not only
    didn't join that club, I didn't go back to their dances.  Because of a
    lousy dollar?  No -- because of the principle.
    >Why should the non-members get a free ride when
    >others must pay their membership fee?  
    They DON'T get a free ride!!!!!  They pay the same per-rider sanction
    fee as every other rider.  What is wrong, very wrong, is making them
    pay extra.
    >What would be the benefit of membership then?
    You're kidding, right?  There are a great many benefits to membership
    in the AERC, none of which a non-member gets.  I believe the AERC is
    well worth the membership dues, and can stand on its own merits
    without using coercive fees to pressure people to join.
    Joe Long
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    Re: [RC] Director at Large, Joe Long
    Re: [RC] Director at Large, Susan Young Casey