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    RE: [RC] Director at Large - Teri Hunter

    And some of us know a nominee and feel that is the best person for the job so we are waiting in the wings to vote to support Truman.  Oh - sorry was this a secret ballot.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Howard Bramhall
    Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 11:36 PM
    To: Bob Morris; ridecamp; ridecam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Subject: Re: [RC] Director at Large

    No, Bob, what it means is that only 0.15% are willing to shell out the big bucks to fly across the country, at their own expense, to the AERC Board meetings twice or more a year (not including the convention) and that only 0.15% are willing to take the verbal abuse when things don't go well at a ride or two and everyone wants to know what AERC is going to do about all this; and that only 0.15% are willing to speak out in public to explain what the Board of Directors are currently doing or attempting to do about all this; and that only 0.15% are willing to put their reputations on the line for the actions of over 5,863 riders, some of whom don't know their asses from a hole in the ground; and......  I can go on and on with this if you think it's necessary.
    Anyway, Bob, I don't see your name on the list as one of the 9, so I guess that means you don't give a damn either and that you're with the other 5,854 of us who are too chicken shit to run.  I commend those 9 who are willing to run for the position and I will do my best to research who it is I vote for before I check that box beside their name.  I just know I'm voting for Truman and I'll be there, at the convention, when Susan Kasemeyer gets re-nominated for Southeast Regional Director (that is how it works; right?).  And, Bob, if you put your name out there, I promise to vote for you too.
    Howard (just teasing you there, Bob, but you are wrong; we do give a damn) 
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Bob Morris
    Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 10:42 PM
    To: Endurance List
    Subject: [RC] Director at Large

    I find it amazing that out of 5863 members in the AERC that
    there are only nine persons running for Director at Large
    positions. That means that only 0.15% of the members are
    interested in how the Conference runs. You might say that no
    body gives a damn.


    Bob Morris
    Morris Endurance Enterprises
    Boise, ID

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    Re: [RC] Director at Large, Howard Bramhall