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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:33:11 GMT 2003
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    [RC] A question/training husbands - Rides 2 Far

    One more thought:  If you want to get a dad more involved in the raising
    of boys...convince him you're trying to make sissies out of them.  Maybe
    let him catch you teaching them to do cross stitch.  Tell him Saturday
    mornings the local YMCA is offering ballet classes which you think would
    be a great way for them to learn balance. >g< 
    Suggest that you want to start taking the boys to the barn. As a matter
    of fact...you might want to buy them BOTH PONIES...and pay for *riding
    lessons*!  Hopefully Dad will protect them from their mom's detrimental
    I've watched women teachers with boys, and I've watched coaches.  Boys
    really do need time with men and sometimes the men underestimate their
    importance in the upbringing, but let them think you're going to make
    their boys into sissies and they'll wake up. :-)
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