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    Re: [RC] how many days a week do you ride for a 25? - Tiffany D'Virgilio

    In this vein I have a question. I am doing my first ride at NRR. I am just
    doing the 25 because my riding buddy won't do the 50 with me, and since it
    is my first, I figured I would get used to a camp, race, vetting, etc with
    an LD. Anyway, here is my small quandary. My mare and I are ready. She is
    very fit. I ride 3 times a week, usually two longish rides between 15 and 25
    miles and a short 5 miler. Been doing this for about 18 months. I would have
    started doing rides a ways back but have a 2 and 4 year old. Kids, that is.
    So mommy time has reigned in the house.
    My mare did a two hour 20 miles this morning so easy. Trotting, some walk,
    mainly canter work. She wanted to run, easy as you please the whole way, but
    I paced her well. Anyway, mare is lovely alone or in a pair. She does fine
    in big groups, we do a group ride with up to 25 horses once a month, BUT she
    always has to be in front, or at least really boogying down the trail. If I
    hold her back, we are both miserable. My question is should I go out in
    front, or wait until everyone is out? Middle of the pack? I want my mare to
    enjoy this, have fun and want to do it again. My buddies horse is just as if
    not more fit. He likes going as well. Big, fast Anglo. Any tips or input?
    Her behavior of being held back is jigging, head tossing and being real
    unhappy, but she does not rear or buck.
    I can't wait for this ride, I have done trail trials, but never an LD. I am
    excited and looking forward to a 50 after that. I know I am going to get
    addicted fast. We simply love to ride. I adore that mare, and she eats up
    the trail. Really enjoyable horse, so I know I'll be hooked!
    Thanks, Tiffany 
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    Re: [RC] how many days a week do you ride for a 25?, SunsetOvrC