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    Re: [RC] how many days a week do you ride for a 25? - Rides 2 Far

    > My mare did a two hour 20 miles this morning so easy. Trotting, some 
    walk, mainly canter work.> Her behavior of being held back is jigging,
    head tossing and being 
    > real> unhappy,  I am> excited and looking forward to a 50 after that.
    Do the 50. There will be plenty of people on the trail to ride with and
    your horse will choose the horse it needs to team up with so you don't
    end up jigging along while a friend tries to push a tired horse not to
    slow you down.  Every time I've made a deal to ride with someone before a
    ride I've regretted it.  You need to ride *your* ride.  Your horse is
    better off teaming up with an experienced horse who is more likely to
    drink, etc. than another first timer anyway.  The ride home will be more
    interesting if you've got different experiences to talk about.
    Sometimes now friends will say, "can I ride with you tomorrow?"  I just
    say, "I'm going down the trail and if the pace puts us together we'll
    enjoy it.  Let's just see what happens.
    You're training harder than most 50 milers. If you do 25 you'll be on
    foot in camp by 10:30 AM. Is that what you want?  I was like you at my
    first ride. I'd trained hard and then my good horse went lame.  I did the
    25 on another horse and was so wired when I finished at 10:30 AM I
    couldn't stand it.  A rider got hurt in the 50 at the 25 mile mark and I
    offered to finish the ride on the horse.  Not a real completion but why
    not?  I loved it.  Was sooooo happy to be back in the thick of things. 
    So my first ride was a 25/50 on 2 horses. :-)
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