Again, it depends on how CTR's are
structured. In some organizations, the riders are expected to go out right
when they are called up, and leave at intervals ranging from 30 seconds to 2
minutes, either singly or in pairs. This can be more of a stress to a
green horse than simply waiting until everyone is gone and starting out.
So again, it depends entirely on the CTR and how it is organized, and whether a
rider can voluntarily take the "time penalty" so to speak and do what you
describe. Whereas one always has that option with AERC. I do think
UMECRA has structured its CTR's to have more of the flexibility of AERC rides
than have some CTR organizations, precisely because you DO have many riders
doing both events, and using one as the training ground for the
"You can wait till everyone is gone from camp on an endurance ride
to saddle up. You can't do that at a CTR"
Why? Participants do it all the time in the