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Re: Dogs & kids in Camp
> I am responding to the last message I read from Wendy Milner regarding
> Dogs and Children in camp. Although I do agree that SOME people are not
> responsible with their dogs in camp, and I do wish those with ill-behaved
> dogs would keep them home, I certainly hope that Wendy is not trying to
> turn this DOG thing into a problem for people who bring their children!
> I have two children who will attend rides with me and my husband. When
> the children come one of us stays at basecamp with them while the other
> rides. I believe theses rides should be fun and that they should be a
> family affair. Besides we don't have any childcare person's who we would
> trust with our kids for overnights and if the kids don't get to go then
> either do I !
I'm okay with rides being a family affair -- as long as I can bring MY
family too, my dog Bailey. (I don't mind leaving the snakes at home, as
they don't travel well anyway.) She's clean, neat, quiet, well-behaved,
and under my control at all times, no matter where we are.
Some people don't like dogs. I can understand and live with that. I
personally don't like children. However, I am willing to tolerate your
well-behaved children at camp if you are willing to tolerate my well-behaved
dog. :))
The Snodgrass Family
Glenda, Lakota (equine) & Bailey (canine)
Ruby, Charlie, Jerry & Wilson (serpentine)
In Memory Of: Simon & Sarafina (lizardine)
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