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Re: Dogs in Camp
In a message dated 98-01-23 03:25:18 EST, you write:
<< I certainly hope that Wendy is not trying to
turn this DOG thing into a problem for people who bring their children!
I have two children who will attend rides with me and my husband. When
the children come one of us stays at basecamp with them while the other
rides. I believe theses rides should be fun and that they should be a
family affair. >>
I think the point was that the CONTROl of dogs can become a hazard, and if one
person brings their dog, how does a ride manager tell the rest "gee, you can't
bring yours because I don't know how you would control him." Obviously
children are different in several respects, most obvious is that they don't
drink out of the horses' water and they don't pee on your hay :) (not yet,
anyway!) It is incredibly much easier to correct someone's child than their
dog. Of course, our girls had better mind their p's and q's if they want to do
THEIR thing the NEXT weekend, and so there is a level of "Surveillance" as it
were. And just a note on the subject of those really well-trained horses
whose owners think it is really cute to let them follow them around at the
rides with no restraint at all - no halter no nothing...to keep the horse form
wandering over to greet my stallion, who is duly decured and peaceful - until
visited by Mr. Freedom or Ms. Fancyfree. well, it IS cute - at home but it can
be scary anywhere else. I think the bottom line here is - kids, horses or
dogs, a certain level of security must be requied of owners/parents, etc for
the safety of all - and indeed, for the comfort of all. Not wanting dogs
running loose should never be misconstrued as hating dogs. On the contrary, we
love our dogs enough to protect them as well. TIA!
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