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Re: Dogs in Camp
Hi all,
Heres how I can see this solved. I know people that have well
behaved dogs and people that have well behaved children in camp, and
visa versa. I think everyone should be given a chance but once the
kids/dogs are outta control they should then be told to stay at
home. Kids/dogs should behave and it is the owners/parents
fault if they don't. So if you can't keep your changes in line
don't punish us other campers. Thanks, just my thought.
Julie, who has a good little sheltie.
At 10:57 PM 1/22/98 -0500, Valerie K Sharpe wrote:
>I am responding to the last message I read from Wendy Milner regarding
>Dogs and Children in camp. Although I do agree that SOME people are not
>responsible with their dogs in camp, and I do wish those with ill-behaved
>dogs would keep them home, I certainly hope that Wendy is not trying to
>turn this DOG thing into a problem for people who bring their children!
>I have two children who will attend rides with me and my husband. When
>the children come one of us stays at basecamp with them while the other
>rides. I believe theses rides should be fun and that they should be a
>family affair. Besides we don't have any childcare person's who we would
>trust with our kids for overnights and if the kids don't get to go then
>either do I !
Julie R.Coats, A.H.T.
Cardiac Research Technician
NCSU College of Veterinary Medicine
919 829-4325
fax 919 515-9427
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