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[RC] Traumatic Brain Injury & I wasn't even riding - Alice Grady

I had a wild incident Friday evening bringing in the horses.  I was bringing in my yearling (who is normally the calmest of the bunch).  She hesitated outside of her stall & that was the last of my memory until I came to.  (My husband who was cutting the grass estimates I was out about 15-20 minutes because that's how long he noticed the yearling meander around the yard.)
Bottom line, I have a sub-dural hematoma on the longitudal fissure - the thing that separates the two brain sides, and I have a bruised left temporal lobe.  After what seemed like an eternity, the hospital released me - no strenous activity for a week - 10 days.  Not that it will be hard, I feel like a freight train ran over me, I am bruised all over my body, have hideous black eye, hoof-print bruise on my ear/face, etc.  My yearling has a couple of cuts on her face.
No memory of what happened.  Guess I'll be taking it easy for a while. My husband wants me to wear helmet while I messing with the horses now.  I dunno.  Maybe for a while.