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Re: [RC] Endurance horses to slaughter? - Jeannie Gillen

My horses are family to me......I keep them until they are ready to die....I
put down a 23 yr.old running quarter that gave me her all, when she couldn't
get up anymore...she literally asked to "go to sleep" and did so in my

I still have a 24 yr.old tank of a quarter horse that took me everywhere for
over 12 years......including ONE RIDE from Mexico to San Francisco......she
still carries me around like she is 10! but starting to get grey around the
eyes....she will be buried on my property...now that I have lots (of
property that is)......She is a great "guest" horse......

I have two semi-retired endurance arabs (at 14) who make great trail
horses.....In fact, my neighbors are hiring me to "train" their horses to be
like mine......I am boarding and training their horses with my
horses.......I have 4 year olds, acting like 14 year olds......They too,
will be buried on my property..hopefully a long time from now!

----- Original Message -----
From: "csimmons88" <csimmons88@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "mabbott" <mabbott@xxxxxxxxxxx>; <Ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 3:14 PM
Subject: Re: [RC] Endurance horses to slaughter?

It's always a tough decision.  My 31 year old will go to rest here on the
property when she starts to decline.  So far she looks terrific & the same
as she did at 20.

However, a friend of mine was a go-between deliverer from the owner to the
renderers & those that were humanely put down prior to being delivered
served a purpose.  It was easier on the owners & humane for the horse.

I personally will take the inititive when the time comes.  Once a horse is
sold to the knackers they may end up there & they may be resold or go to

A lot of people were upset when a trainer I was taking lessons from put
favorite 14 yr old horse down because of unsoundness & she chose not to
support her into old age.  It was her comment that impressed me back then.
She couldn't justify the cost for 10/15 years and refused to give/sell her
to a "good home" as she had experienced to many times over the years how
'good homes' had to pass the horse on at some point & the horse ended up
circumstances that were less than desireable.

Sorry to run on but I have just been looking at this decision & the
hit close to home.

----- Original Message -----
From: "mabbott" <mabbott@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <Ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 7:56 AM
Subject: [RC] Endurance horses to slaughter?

Last week, Suzanne Boyd posted a link to the ESPN article about
If you haven't read it yet, please do so now!


I am wondering, if we did a similar thing to the Racing Forum, that is
a series of "what ever happened to articles" following up on old Tevis
winners, would we find some had found a similar fate at the slaughter
One of the things I have always enjoyed about endurance folks is the
care for and bond they seem to have with their horses--many keeping
horses for life.  But a few months back there was some discussion on
endurance net where there was mention of people feeling it was fine to
their old horses to the "knackers" and the rest of us were being too
judgmental. Hey, these horses KNOW what you are doing to them! No
there-it's a fact. (READ the article!)  For the ones whose quality of
has diminished to the point that they can't or shouldn't go on, being
quietly put down by a vet is much better, or even shot if that option is

For those who still think sending their horses to the "knackers" is
acceptable, please READ THE ARTICLE.  Or, go to the slaughterhouse with
horse, like the woman did with Ferdinand.  It's the least you can do for
old friend who has carried you for mile after mile...

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[RC] Endurance horses to slaughter?, mabbott
Re: [RC] Endurance horses to slaughter?, csimmons88