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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:32:29 GMT 2003
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  • - Linda Parrish

    Re: [RC] Rules - Truman Prevatt

    That's probably true and there is nothing inherently wrong with that. Any BOD will have people with conflict of interest on specific issues and there is noting wrong with that either.? But it is the way in which those conflicts of interest are dealt with that is important.? With a cooperation with an operating budget of around 1/2 million dollar, the AERC is no longer a small backyard organization. The BOD must get serious in dealing with these issues in a professional manner that is consistent with all relevant laws and all rules and bylaws of the organization. That is why the important first step is to pass the new bylaws that will put the AERC in compliance with CA law. And integrity is the key issue, not only on an individual basis but also on an organizational basis. ?


    Barbara McCrary wrote:
    Many, if not most, of the Directors manage rides.? I used to manage 3 of them, Maryben and Becky managed several; the list goes on and on.? I think it would be very hard to separate directors from ride management.? However, integrity must be maintained and no one should receive preference based on status.
    Barbara McCrary

    [RC] Rules, Annie George
    Re: [RC] Rules, Truman Prevatt
    Re: [RC] Rules, Barbara McCrary