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Endurance.Net Home 2019 AERC National Championships

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2013 AERCNC - City of Rocks AERCNC
Images by Merri Melde
Schedule of Events || Entries as of 10/17 || Video Clips from the weekend


Video clips from the 2019 AERC National Championships

Start of the 2019 AERCNC 50 on Thursday

The controlled start of the 2019 AERC National Championship 50 miler in Ridgecrest, California on October 31. There were 80 starters and 61 completions.

2019 AERC Nat'l Championship 100 - 65 mile vet check

the 65 mile vet check on the 2019 AERC Natl Championship 100 mile endurance ride. Justin Leowen and Jeanette Mero coming off the 65 mile loop into the vet check at the Fairgrounds in 8th and 9th place

2019 AERC National Championship 100 - Leader at 65 Miles

the leader at 65 miles in the 2019 AERC National Championship 100 miler, Erin Lemmons on Ogee, leaving the Fairgrounds on the last 35 mile loop. She would eventually pull Rider Option

2019 AERC National Championship 100 - Ribleys at the 65 Mile Vet Check

Melissa Ribley, riding Ever Ready, and Robert Ribley, riding Chipofftheoleblock, trot their horses out at the 65 mile vet check in the 2019 AERC Nat'l Championship 100 miler. They would go on to finish in 30th and 31st place.

2019 AERC Nat'l Championship 100 mile winner Jeremy Reynolds and RTR Rimfires Etta - final vet check

2019 AERC National Championship winners Jeremy Reynolds and RTR Rimfires Etta at their final vet check.

2019 AERC Nat'l Championship 100 - Jay Mero's Ozark Kaolena SWA wins Best Condition

Head Veterinarian Mike Peralez announced Best Contition winner of the 2019 AERC Nat'l Championship 100: Jeanette Mero's Ozark Kaolena SWA