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2016 City of Rocks - June 9,10,11

2016 City of Rocks Pioneer Endurance Ride: The "F" Word

Tuesday June 14 2016
by Merri Melde

I am referring, of course, to "FIVE THOUSAND" as the F word. (Now, what were you all thinking?)

That's what was on the line for Lee Pearce and Fire Mt Malabar at the 3-day City of Rocks ride June 9-11 in SE Idaho. Of course, the "F" word was not uttered by anyone before 4 PM on Saturday. But that's getting a bit ahead.

For the 5th year, the Oreana Pickett Crick gang hauled everything, including the kitchen sinks (seriously, in the cook trailer), 4 hours away to City of Rocks National Reserve in southeast Idaho, to put on the multi-day City of Rocks Pioneer endurance ride. One of those years we did it twice, 6 weeks apart, for the multi-day then the AERC National Championship. We've about got it down now. This time I think collectively we only forgot a bottle of hand lotion and a bar of soap.

This year, honorary Pickett Cricksters Matt and Terrence Nicholes came along as the Super Help. And we will never put on the ride again without them!

Attendance was good, and the weather was good if you consider nobody got caught riding in thunderstorms (except for Connie, who got caught in one AGAIN, on a training ride on Monday before the ride started). It got pretty warm and muggy on day 1, but cloud cover and breezes helped on days 2 and 3.

Day 1's trails headed south into Utah through the little farming community of Yost. Located in a farmed valley below the Raft River mountains, surrounded by many of the old wagon trails that immigrants followed westward in the late 1800s, the first known white settlers in this valley were cowboy and cattleman Charles Yost and farmer Levi Nelson Campbell in 1879. The community officially became Yost in 1890 with the establishment of a post office...

Read more here:

Merri Melde photos

Marking Trail

Marking Trail II

Day 2

Previous years, photos and stories:



2013 AERC
National Championship



Circle Creek High Trail Video by Merri

Come join us for this spectacular ride at the City of Rocks National Reserve and Castle Rocks State Park. The park has amazing rock formations and scenery, as well as a rich pioneer history which you will experience on the trail. We will have marked Trail rides as well as 25 and 50 mile rides each day. There are plenty of things to do for families and fun. Durfy Hotsprings has swimming and soaking pools for every temperature preference (be sure to bring your swim suit!). Try the Great Pizza at Rock City, have a steak dinner at Almo Creek Inn, and explore the trails and scenic spots.

Basecamp is a large field adjacent to the City of Rocks National Preserve, elevation 5500 ft. The trail footing in this area is very good, with just a few rocky sections - it is NOT a rocky ride! City of Rocks is known for its botanical diversity - you'll see cactus, pinion pine, sagebrush, aspen and sub-alpine fire - all on one day's ride! The wildflowers should be in full bloom in June!

We will provide dinners each night (Two Trees Catering) with your ride entry and you can purchase breakfast, lunch and dinner on the days you don't ride, beginning Wednesday afternoon. See menu and meals available here.

Pre-Registration is required! Click here to pre-register

We need to plan for meals and awards and since we have to travel to set up basecamp and trails we need to make sure we are prepared! You won't pay until you get to the ride, but tell us (as best you can) what your plans are for riding.

Ride Entry fee is $110 for all distances (includes dinner). Juniors ride free! $25 for the Trail Ride.
If you are not an AERC member there will be an additional $15 AERC Day-member charge, per day. Contact us if you want to join AERC at the ride.

Trails: *subject to change (weather and cows!)
Day 1 - Yost 35/55

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Ride south along cow trails and dirt 2-tracks, loop up into the Sawtooth Nat'l Forest, then to the 'town' of Yost and an amazing outdoor museum, then have a vetcheck. 35's will head back to camp from there. 55's will continue on following some road, some single track trail back into the forest, and then another vetcheck. Ride back towards camp and follow original California trail over Emigrant Pass trail, and back to camp. Historical sights along the City of Rocks Road (original trail route). Moderate trail, just a few climbs, highest point at Twin Sisters is 6400 ft.
Day 2 Castle Rock 25/50

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25's will start along the park trail and then ride along the dirt road to Castle Rocks State Park. Take a loop around the park on spectacular single track trails, have a vetcheck, and then home. 50's will take a longer route, along City of Rocks Road, then along Boxtop singletrack trail, and Circle Creek trail, then ride the road to Castle Rocks State Park. Take a loop around the park, then have a vetcheck. Loop around the park again (it's beautiful, you won't mind!!) and then backtrack home along the same trail you started on. Highest point is 6800 ft on the loop around the park. Some climbs and some technical trails.
Day 3 Indian Grove 25/50

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50's will do a loop south to the Utah border, then follow single track and 2-track dirt roads. Across Emigrant Pass, between Twin Sisters, and return home via Boxtop single track trail and Circle Creek. Vetcheck in camp. Second loop for 50's is along the spectacular park trails up to a hight point of 7500 ft at Indian Grove water tanks. Then down through Breadloaves, Tea Kettle trails, and then home along the City of Rocks road, past historical sights. 25's will do this loop as well, with a vetcheck at Breadloaves.

Meals Wednesday, July 8th - Dinner only:
Taco Bar
Mexican Salad
"Fried" Ice cream

Thursday July 9th-- Breakfast: Burritos
Lunch: Burgers and sausages
Dinner: Pulled Pork sandwiches, Cole Slaw, Potato salad, Beignets

Friday July 10th-- Breakfast: English Muffin Sandwich, Beignets
Lunch: Cold Sandwiches
Dinner: Spaghetti and Meatballs, Green Salad, Garlic Bread, Brownie and ice cream

Saturday July 11th-- Breakfast and Lunch : Left over day
Dinner: Baked potato bar and left overs