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Atlanta, Georgia

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photos by Merri Melde

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New AERC Officers
President: Michael Campbell - CT
Vice-President: Lisa Schneider - PS
Secretary: Monica Chapman - CT
Treasurer: Mollie Krumlaw-Smith - NE

2013 National Award Winners

Pard'ners award - Sue Phillips and Sussie Prize
HOF Member - Steven Rojek
HOF Horse - Remington - John Parke
Volunteer Award - Melissa Ribley

National Junior High Mileage Award - Lacey Bainbridge & Belesemo Legacy
AHA Distance Horse of the Year - Carla Richardson/SS Kharady Khid

Brandon Reed - Kathy Brunjes Young Rider Award

Photo Gallery

Friday gallery

Saturday gallery

AERC Notice to FEI Motion passes at AERC Convention

Sunday March 9 2014

After much lively discussion at the AERC Convention in Atlanta, Georgia this past weekend, the AERC Notice to FEI Motion passed unanimously by the Board of Directors.

According to Director at Large Randy Eiland, "The Motion establishes AERC's official statement on the abuses of equines, rules, and also the lack of transparency in reports on fatalities and catastrophic injuries. It removes the threat to our own innocent AERC members (AERC-I) but does include a strong consideration to investigate the formation of a new international competition association with like minded federations if FEI doesn't show measurable progress in resolving the issues in some Region VII countries and with some FEI Officials.

"I believe this statement will be well received by the international community in Europe and other continents - it will help shore up and supports their condemnations of the wrongdoing and it gives our membership a moment to be proud of AERC for taking an official stand on the issue (the first time in memory)."

See the motion here:

United States threatens breakaway in row over endurance horse racing

Telegraph.co.uk - Full Article The United States governing body has voted to attempt to withdraw from the International Equestrian Federation if a clean-up of the sport does not prove successful this year.

By Pippa Cuckson
Mar 2014

The United States, who can claim to have invented equestrian endurance, have unanimously voted to form a breakaway global governing body if the International Equestrian Federation cannot prove its clean-up in the Middle East is effective this year.

This damning indictment of the FEI’s handling of the endurance crisis comes just seven weeks before the FEI votes on whether Princess Haya, whose husband Sheikh Mohammed’s stables are at the centre of the controversy, should have the option of a third term as FEI president.

The American Endurance Ride Conference resolved to invite other major players to form an alternative international body “if the FEI does not demonstrate measurable progress towards addressing the AERC’s concerns by January 1, 2015”...

Read more here:

AERC board meeting. Well attended by Southeast!

John Long USEF CEO talks to AERC board and audience.

AERC board meeting Jay Mero presenting Horse Welfare reform proposal

AERC hot topics Emmett Ross speaks to FEI issues

AERC Rusty Toth urges Us to stay involved in FEI to protect sport and horses

AERC Mike Tomlinson speaks to History of AERC and endurance rules

Motions Up for Consideration at AERC Convention


Two motions up for consideration by the board of directors at the AERC Convention in Atlanta this weekend concern the Equine Welfare Reform Package and the AERC Notice to FEI Sponsorship Committee Motion.

EQUINE WELFARE REFORM PACKAGE MOTION BEFORE THE BOARD: The Veterinary, Research and Welfare of the Horse committees are proposing the Equine Welfare Reform Package motion -- please read it over and make comments to your board representatives. Discussion will take place at the convention board meetings. Click for the Equine Welfare Reform Package Motion.

Also up for consideration by the board of directors at their convention meetings is the Sponsorship Committee Motion: AERC Notice to FEI, which is now in its final version before presentation to the board. Please read it over and make comments to your board representatives. Click for the Sponsorship Committee Motion: AERC Notice to FEI.

Annual Convention for American Endurance Ride Conference in March 2014 in Atlanta!

Horsegirltv.com - Full Article

Endurance riders from across the U.S. and Canada will converge on Atlanta, Georgia, for the American Endurance Ride Conference’s 2014 convention March 7 and 8 at the Sheraton Gateway Atlanta Airport Hotel.

The convention combines free events – a trade show for distanced riders, early morning “hot topics” discussions, and an always-popular tack swap – with seminars ($55 per day), a dance on Friday night, and the nonprofit organization’s national awards banquet on Saturday evening.

The trade show and tack swap are open from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Friday, March 7, and until 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 8.

Complete information about the convention can be found on AERC’s website: www.aerc.org/2014convention.pdf...

Read more here:

2014 AERC Convention - HORSES FIRST

We ask a lot of our horses. And the hallmark of endurance riders is the care and concern that we show to our equine partners. Without healthy horses, we wouldn’t be able to spend hours out on the trails, enjoying their companionship. The 2014 convention focuses on how to train, compete and rack up mileage, all while doing your best for your equine partner.

And, as always, there will be ample opportunity to visit old friends, make new ones, celebrate this year’s accomplishments and lifetime achievements, and kick up your heels at the Friday night dance. Did we mention shopping? The AERC convention is THE PLACE to check out the latest and greatest can’t-do-without saddles, tack, clothing and everything horse.

The seminar line-up is fabulous—you’ll hear the latest research, find out more about colic, and . . . well, every minute spent in the seminars will be valuable to you. (See back cover for seminar presenters/topics.) While you can’t bring your horse to the convention, you’ll bring home enough knowledge to make a difference in the way you plan both your rides and your endurance career.

There’s something to do just about every hour of the day, starting with Hot Topics seminars in the early morning, and ending with a dance to the Southern rock band, Men of Soul, on Friday night and the national awards banquet to close the convention on Saturday evening.

Sign up using the form on the next page or by calling the office, 866-271-2372. We’ll also be able to answer any questions you may have about the convention. (Full schedule in next month’s EN!)

For more information see: 2014convention.pdf