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Endurance.Net Home 2013 North American Endurance Team Challenge

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2013 AERC
North American Endurance
Team Challenge

South Eastern Distance Riders Association

2011 North American Team Challenge
Images by Merri Melde

2011 North American Team Challenge
Images by Merri Melde

1) place Jeremy Reynolds/ RR Gold Dust Rising - ride time 8:20:22 or 19.39kph - (USA SE B)
2) Nicki Meuten/Not Tonight - 8:22:50 - (USA SE B)
3) Kelsey Russell/ My Wild Irish Gold - 8:28:10 - (USA SE A)
4) Valerie Kanavy/Just Gold - 8:28:20 - (USA NE C)
5) Melody Blittersdorf/Synthetic - 9:06:34 - (USA NE C)
6) Robert Gielen/F. C. Galaxy - 9:06:36 - (Canada E)
7) Katherine Gardiner/AF Big Bucks
8) Kyle Gibbon/Tribune
9) Natalie Muzzio/Laconic
10) Steve Rojek/Trident

TEAM GOLD: Southeast Team B of Jeremy Reynolds, Nicki Meuten, Deborah Walker and Cheryl Van Deusen - Team Time: 27:06.48

TEAM SILVER: Northeast Team C of Valerie Kanavy, Melody Blittersdorf, Krista Alderdice and Alayna Wagner - Team Time: 28:19.04

TEAM BRONZE: Northeast Team A of Steven Hay, Sally Jellison, Natalie Muzzio, and Katherine Gardener - Team Time: 29:25.08

Best Foreign Individual: Jaber Hamad F A Al Marri/TU Gold - 10:23:35

Individual Gold
Jeremy Reynolds/RR Gold Dust Rising

Best Condition
Kelsey Russell/My Wild Irish Gold

Team Gold
Southeast Team B

Team Silver
Northeast Team C

Team Bronze
Northeast Team A

Final Trotout - Jeremy Reynolds and RR Gold Dust Rising

Best Condition Judging - Kelsey Russell trotting out Valerie Kanavy's Just Gold

Jeremy Reynolds first across line then Nicky Meuten who missed a turn.
waiting for completion trot out.
finish time @6:50pm

Four have broken away from the field and will leave out on last 15 mile loop as follows:
Nicky Meuten 5:39
Val 5:43
Kelsey 5:43
Jeremy Reynolds 5:44

Pulled at 4th hold: Heather Reynolds, Ariel McLeod, jan Worthington, and Manuela Seriola

(front runners) Nicky's horse Nelly at the 70 mile mark and will leave out 4:05 pm on next to last loop.

Barbara Hershberger and Mary Jane Gagnier just pulled. still no more out on last loop except first 5 and I'm heading over to finish which we expect to be @7pm with about 8.5 hour ride - 3:51 PM

Team standings,30 miles to go: Northeast C ( Valerie, melody, Krista, Alayna) 30 min ahead Southeast B (Nicky Meuten, Jeremy Reynolds, Deborah walker Cheryl va. Deusen and Canada East A has moved up to third ( bob Gelen Michele Watling Wendy Benns)

4 pulls on 3rd hold; Canadian pulls Lee Hutton, Monica Grundmann Wendy McCoubrey and Nicola Gilbert

Kelsey and My Wild Irish Gold in 3rd heading out on 4th loop with Valerie right behind them View photo (photo by Mary Howell)

Nicky and Nelly 55 miles down in 4:30 ride time so far. About 8-10 minutes behind are Barb Hershberger Val Kanavy both Reynolds and Kelsey Russell View photo (photo by Mary Howell)

Top Ten: (as of 11:55 EST) Nicky Meuten, Valerie Kanavy, Kelsey Russell, Morgan Watson, Heather Reynolds, Barbara Hershberger, Jeremy Reynold,s Krista Alderdice Melody Blittersdorf, Ana Maria Novoa

Pulls are Jeremy Olson, Ceci Stasiuk, Sue Hedgecock at first hold, and Cassandra Roberts, Lori Shifflet,t Mariana Meuxiero and Nancy Zukewich on 2nd hold.
ALL lameness no metabolic 3rd hold pulls to follow and should have new team stats by 2:30

Northeast C with Val Krista Mel and Alayna is 31 min ahead everyone else
Team leader board photo

Weather is mid 60s light breeze, no metabolic Pulls and 8 lameness pulls after 2 loops

Video, Mary Howell

Included tribute to Florida's Cracker Horse in celebration of 500th anniversary of De Soto discovering the area for Spain

Mary Howell - Pre Ride Pix

Robin Schadt - Pre Ride Pix

The North American Endurance Team Challenge

is a CEI3* 160km FEI Competition. The FEI will only recognize the overall order of finish. The Team Competition is a friendly Team Competition open to teams from the USA, Canada and Mexico. 2013 NAETC Selection Procedures, click here. Any questions regarding the NAETC should be addressed to Vonita Bowers, Director of Endurance and Reining Activities, United States Equestrian Federation, 4047 Iron Works Parkway, Lexington, KY 40511; Email vbowers@usef.org

Trail Description - The trails in Goethe State Forest will be used for the event. Here is a preview of the base camp and trails. Terrain - 99 % two track trails; mostly packed sand or grass, some gravel logging roads, one shallow creek crossing, and hoof protection recommended. Elevation Changes – None 29.3292045413445 -82.6005102369557

Avg. December Ride Weather: 45 avg low 69 avg high The main area of Goethe State Forest is located in the southeastern portion of Levy County near the Gulf of Mexico.

Natural Features - Goethe State Forest has more than 15 different natural communities. A few examples are scrubby flatwoods, dome swamp, sandhill, and basin swamp. Goethe State Forest may contain the largest tract of contiguous, old-growth longleaf pine flatwoods in the state. This extensive old-growth forest has one of the largest red-cockaded woodpecker populations on state lands in Florida. Other rare animal species found on the forest include the Florida black bear, gopher tortoise, Sherman's fox squirrel and bald eagle. Rare plants include orchids and coontie.

Ride Camp Accommodations and Guidelines:

PADDOCKS- All horses are to be contained in three board fence paddocks with a rental fee of $20 a night per horse. All horses are to be contained in a paddock except when being tacked, ridden, groomed, or examined. Portable panels and or electric fencing may be used inside of the paddocks as some are quite large and can accommodate several horses. Plenty of water spigots available and camping allowed next to most of the paddocks.

CAMPING OPTIONS- FULL CAMPING (Sewer, Water and Electric) Nightly $30 Weekly $150 REGULAR CAMPING (Water and Electric) Nightly $25 Weekly $125

Trail Flyover

Want to Ride at the North American Endurance Team Challenge?

To be held in the Goethe State Forest. Location- Black Prong Equestrian Center, Bronson, FL December 10-14, 2013

International endurance competitions are governed by Federation Equestrian International (FEI) based in Switzerland through the guidance of our National Federation, the United States Equestrian Federation (USEF). Every two years there are World Endurance Championships (WEC) for senior riders where five competitors (and seven horses can be shipped as we know stuff happens) represent each country. This team of five must finish three athletes who then might be team medalists if they are in the top three team slots: gold, silver or bronze. There has been resurgence in interest at the FEI level as evidenced by the 162 current FEI US members competing this year. The next WEC will be in France in 2014 and the mandatory pre-ride will be held in France in August to allow for the organizing committee to have a trial run to make certain the race runs smoothly, as well as to give athletes a chance to race the course.

On alternate years when there is not a WEC, the USA hosts a North American Endurance Team Challenge. Although this is not a true 4* FEI level championship, it is conducted like a championship to allow athletes to compete under FEI championship level conditions in order to experience and learn about the process.

As a 3* event, the criteria are that the horse and rider must be eligible to compete at that level. For the horse, it’s very simple, the horse must have successfully completed a FEI 1* 80 km (50 mile) ride and a FEI 2* 120 km (75 mile) ride within the last 24 months. The rider must also be 3* eligible having accomplished the same rides. However, the horse and rider do not have to qualify together. At a 3* competition, there is no certificate of capability (COC) that must be earned together. This is only required to compete at 4* championships. For the WEC in France in 2014, the horse and rider must have a COC at the 3* at a minimum of 14 km per hour (@ 9 mph) within the qualification window, typically a two year window that closes approximately 60 days before the championship date.

For a rider, an athlete must join AERC – International ($10) and join USEF ($55 membership from December 1 – November 30 year) and have a FEI rider number $15 per year, available through USEF. In order for a horse and athlete to compete at the FEI 1* level, each must have completed its novice rides. Under the new 2013 rules (although horses and riders that began the process prior to 1/1/2013 are grandfathered in under the old rules), a horse must be micro chipped in order to get a FEI number prior to competing at a FEI 1* ride. The horse must have completed the following rides:

· Two limited distance rides at a pace below 10 mph – in FEI language, two rides between 40-79 km (25-49 miles) at speeds of 16 kph or under; and,

· Two 50 mile rides at a pace below 10 mph – in FEI language, two rides between 80-90 km (50-55 miles) at speeds of 16 kph or under; Simply put, you cannot finish faster than 5:01 hours total ride time, and, then

· One 50 mile ride at open pace (any speed) – in FEI language, one ride between 80-90 km (50-55 miles) at open speed.

Athletes and horses must complete the above in longer than 12 months but shorter than 24 months prior to the FEI 1* ride. The intent of FEI involves the welfare of the horse in not going too fast too quickly. Minimum age requirements are five years old for novice rides, six years old for FEI 1* rides and 2* rides and seven years old for FEI 3* rides. Horses must be eight years old to compete in a FEI 4* ride (unless it’s a FEI Young Horse Championship designed for horses seven years of age). In the northern hemisphere where the USA is located, January 1 is considered the birth date for age clarification of horses and August 1 for the southern hemisphere. There are also mandatory rest period between FEI competitions which range from roughly two weeks for a 80 km (50 mile), three weeks for a 120 km (75 mile) and four weeks for a 160 km (100 mile) competition. This is only for FEI rides, not national federation (AERC) rides.

For the NAETC, each zone can send up to 12 team members. These 12 team members are determined by the highest point totals earned on the endurance rider ranking list. The zones are Pacific North, Pacific South, Mountain, Central, North East, South East along with Canada East, Canada West and Mexico. Each zone can then determine its three teams using their criteria and goals. In addition, any other qualified athletes can ride as individuals at the competition. Within USA SE, we currently have 15 senior riders and 13 junior/young riders – all of who can ride in December if they are fully qualified. To be fully qualified, the horse and rider must be 3* eligible as outlined above, and since it’s a senior ride; all riders must ride at minimum weight or higher, 75 kg (165 pounds with tack that does not include the bridle, reins, or water bottles). Each athlete must be on the USEF endurance rider ranking list (ERRL) although you do not have to have accrued any points. For example, we have juniors who do not ride at weight in the young rider division. They join the ERRL ($50 to USEF) and become eligible even though they have not completed any prior FEI rides at weight. Weights are done before and after the ride, and may occur during the ride at random times, coming in off a loop.

The team competitions are lots of fun (try it at the Biltmore in May or at the ZTEC Fort Howes ride in June) – zones have a team Chef d’Equipe, a team vet and uniforms. Helen Koehler, the organizer for the 2013 NAETC has some wonderful local activities planned for athletes and their crews. The USA SE zones looks forward to hosting the 2013 NAETC. We have a list of FEI rides on the USA SE website – you can also find rides listed on the USEF endurance (under disciplines) webpage at www.usef.org so go out and get qualified!