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City of Rocks - Idaho Parks & Rec

City of Rocks - NPS

City of Rocks National Reserve
Images by Merri Melde
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Photos by Merri Melde

Friday Prep

Saturday & Sunday Prep

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Come join us for the 2nd annual City Of Rocks Pioneer Trails Multiday!
Pre-ride the AERC National Championship trails - you'll ride on all of the trails that will be part of the 50 and 100 mile championship.

Here's a look at the trails (some changes from 2013) HERE.

Topo maps are available now
  • Day 1. 30 and 50. This day will give you a tour of the park, up to Indian Grove at an elevation of 7500', and then 50's will return via Twin Sisters, Spark Spring and the Utah Border.
  • Day 2. 35 and 50. This will be a new trail, south through BLM and farmland and around the tiny town of Yost. 50's will do an extra loop into the National Forest - nice 2-track trail.
  • Day 3. 25 and 50. We will ride over to Castle Rocks State Park for a vet check, and then home. We're taking you off most of the yucky road that goes from camp to the park, will be much nicer.
  • Day 4. 25 and 50. This will be similar to Day 1, in revers. Starting south to the Utah border, over the pass to Lynn Rd, then up through Spark Basin, and finally up and around North Fork Circle Creek trail. (this will be the first part of the National Championship 100 trail)
  • Day 5. 30 and 50. The special trail - you'll ride north into the National Forest - 50's will climb to 8500 ft, 20's will reach 8000. (this will probably be the same as the National Championship 50, and most of the NC 100).