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Endurance.Net Home 2012 Tough Sucker I & II
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2010 Owyhee Tough Sucker
Images by Merri
. Owyhee Tough Sucker

The Sixth Annual Owyhee Tough Sucker (No Frills) I & II Endurance Ride

Steph Teeter's Jaziret Bey Musc hits 6000 miles!

Vet-In Day - Video by Merri Melde

Loop 1 - Video by Steph Teeter

Loop 2 Halleluja!- Video by Steph Teeter

Tough Sucker II - Photos by Merri Melde


Ride Day

Tough Sucker 1 - Photos by Merri Melde


Ride Day

Vet In Video

Loop 1!

Loop 2!


Tough Sucker 25
1 Heidi Skerratt Gold N Beaudayshus 4:05:00
2 Andrew Skerratt Shadaara 4:05:10 JR
3 Randy Cowin Black Jack 4:27:00
4 Tara Godfrey Elvis 4:30:00 Best Condition
5 Kaili Worth Seirra 4:39:00
6 Sandy Smallwood TY 4:41:00
7 Yvonne Brandt Moon Glo's Little Dixie 4:47:00
8 Mary Garner DA Rabikhtafa 4:48:00
9 Catherine Cook Nico 5:00:00
10 Alex Church Tressa 5:01:00 JR
11 Pam Davenport Apache Roadrunner 5:02:00
12 Ann Kuck Hot Stuff 5:03:00

Tough Sucker 50

1 Dean Hoalst Pay attention 4:25:00 Best Condition
2 Erie schrader I'm a sweet steele 4:26:00
3 Shyla Williams Bunker Buster (Dash) 4:58:00
4 Amanda Washington nero's asad 5:18:00
5 Karen Steenhof Rusty 5:31:00
6 Carrie Johnson Khaili 5:36:00
7 Carol Brand Ala August Haziz 6:44:00
8 Merri Melde Jose Viola 6:44:01
9 Bruce Worman Zippy 6:47:00
10 Nance Worman LJ Jasur Haraka 6:47:01
11 Connie Holloway Phinneas 6:57:00
12 Linda Kluge Ted 6:57:01
13 Carrie Thorburn Al Azar 7:04:00
14 Stephanie Teeter Jaziret Bey Musc 7:05:00
15 John Teeter Rushcreek Mac 7:06:00
16 Burkleigh Yost OT Bint Alfisa RSI 7:15:00
17 Gentry Yost OT Rafisa RSI 0:00:00
18 Chris Yost DA Ebony Moon 7:15:01
19 Jim Archer HF All Atonce 7:38:00
20 Vicci Archer Electrifying Elegance 7:38:01
21 Karen Bumgarner Z Blue Lightening 7:40:00
22 Linda Ballard SX Arianna EX 7:40:01
23 Tori Church Lilly 8:09:00
24 PJ Blonshine MF King Tut 8:09:01
SF Kara Yost DWA Malik
L Laura Yost OT El Din RSI

Trail Ride

1 Sandra Sanford Tia
2 Char Armstrong Delight
3 Pam Haynes Dancehall Tillie
4 Dot Wiggins Checkers
5 Barb McGann Blue
6 Helen Chestnut
7 Julie Gorbin Boogie

Tough Sucker I 25

1 Jeff HartfordJustapesty Stoney Boy 3:37:00
2 Mary HartfordRondeau Lemhi Charcoal 3:37:01
3 Lynn WelbornAriel3:48
4 Randy CowinArBlack Jackiel4:06
5 Tony DannNoble Desperado4:08
6 Heidi SkerrattGold N Beaudayshus4:10
7 Deo PeppersackCinnamon4:13
8 Randall PeppersackWhite Hawk4:13.01
9 Tara GodfreyBlue Suede Shoes4:20
10 Mary GarnerDA Rabikhtafa4:21
11 Yvonne BrandtMoon Glo's Little Dixie4:22
12 Nancy RocheShow Time Charlie4:22.01
13 Cini BaumhoffKirby (Tri Kharitu)4:23
14 KC MaukGus4:23.01
15 Sandy SmallwoodTY4:31
16 Ann KuckHot Stuff4:32
17 Charlotte ArmstrongBFPM Prophet's Delight4:37
18 Mary KimballGC Tiarrah (Tia)4:39
19 Tony ClapierZeke4:59
M Tom ArmstrongStar

Tough Sucker II 50

1 Karen SteenhofRusty4:58
1 Amanda WashingtonNero's Asad4:58
3 Helen BonnerDWA Lottos Spirit5:24
4 Steph TeeterJaziret Bey Musc6:08
5 Merri MeldeJose Viola6:08.01
6 Connie HollowayPhinneas6:20
7Carol BrandAla August Haziz6:20.01
8Dennis ZattieroRico6:35
9 Trish FrahmTD Sahra Onyx7:13
10 Tara RothwellLegendary Impression7:51
11 Chris SamsonBelesema Anna7:57
12 Lynn WhiteAgnes7:57.01
13 Michelle RoyRosie7:57.02
MCarrie JohnsonKhaili

Tough Sucker II 75

1 Sue HedgecockJulio7:53
2 Karen BumgarnerZ Summer Thunder11:55
3 Lynne FredricksonTezero's Taconite11:38
3 PJ BlonshineMF King Tut11:55

Tough Sucker I - Pam Haynes

Haven't seen any posts about Tough Sucker so here's my version (and I'm sticking to it). Probably a bit smaller field than usual but still a decent turnout. I think about 18 on the 50 and 14 or so on the LD but I'm just guessing. A lot of locals (me included) drove down early Saturday morning so as to not have to camp in the cold and wind Friday night. It was still brisk on Saturday morning as the first riders left camp (I missed that part).

As far as I know, no treatments, a couple of pulls due to some very hard luck when the Yost horses managed to escape their corrals during the hold and knocked themselves hard enough not to be able to finish the ride.

I'm not sure what the winning times were or who finished first on the LD but I think Dean H won the 50 (and only took one spill?) with a fairly fast time (around five hours maybe?).

The big thing I noticed yesterday and wanted to comment on were the number of "newbies" and juniors at the ride. There has been a lot of discussion on assorted lists lately about how to get new riders to join and to keep both old and new riders. If we can get these newbies to a ride, it's up to the old timers to educate them and hopefully get them hooked on the sport. I brought a young friend I have been mentoring for about 18 months or so, she is a wonderful rider and a born endurance rider in my opinion, and she is soaking up information like the proverbial sponge (she can't wait to do her first LD). P.J. sponsored a junior on the 50, they finished last and in good shape. I saw another junior finishing the 50, apologies, I don't know who she was but she jumped off her horse at the end like she'd been riding for an hour instead of 50 miles.

Another newbie, Heidi from Star, rode the LD with her daughter and both were at the finish line listening and watching afterwards.

I saw a couple of ponies in the mix, packing juniors. Both ponies looked great.

A gentleman named Randy rode the LD on his black horse, he took pains to point out it was his first ride and asked for pointers.

A lady named Helen rode with me and Julia on the trail ride, it was also her first introduction to the sport.

At the end of the trail ride, the vets graciously "vetted" Julia and Helen's horses. The vet who vetted Randy's horse took extra time to explain what he was doing and why.

During the craziness of ride day, the ride manager can't always deal with questions and trying to be helpful to the newbies but the rest of us can and should. Julia has already joined SWIT&DR this year, hopefully we will see Randy, Helen and Heidi back. Regina, if you can get address and E-mail information to me, I can mail them a newsletter and a link to the chat group.

Darlene, someone was snapping pictures like crazy for you and Merri was there with her "helmet cam."

All in all, a great way to start off the 2012 Idaho ride season!!!

Online registration is open

register now, pay later! (it's easy)

April 7:Tough Sucker I
April 28: Tough Sucker II

Tough Sucker riders are based out of Regina's ranch on Wees Rd. Easy access off of Hwy 78, indoor meeting area and dinners provided. Potable water in camp.

It's spring time in Owyhee County - weather can be almost anything! Generally dry but could be hot or cold, ya never know! And there might be a little wind.

Trails will consist of jeep roads, cow paths, sand washes, ridge tops - and the footing is excellent! Some rolling hills, but a generally easy trail. Ride around Wild Horse Butte along the Snake River, on parts of the original Oregon Trail, through the Birds of Prey conservation area.

Perfect springtime rides!

Ride Entries
50 miles and LD: $93
75 miles (Tough Sucker II): $130
Trail Ride: $30
Juniors 1/2 price

Dinner included with all ride entries!

Much of the trail will go through the Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area, established in 1993 to protect a unique environment that supports one of the world's densest concentrations of nesting birds of prey. Falcons, eagles, hawks, and owls occur here in unique profusion and variety. It is part of BLM's National Landscape Conservation System (NLCS). Read more about the conservation area

Head Vet: Robert Washington DVM
Ride Manager: Regina Rose Email: rrose4u2002@yahoo.com Phone: 208-250-8662

From I-84 East (Oregon) Take Nampa exit 35 and follow signs to Hwy 45 (to Murphy)which takes you south towards Murphy. Follow hwy 78 east (left) after crossing the Snake River. Continue past the Oreana turnoff, take the next left (north) onto Wees Rd, after mile marker 47, just past the Utter Massacre historical. Take the next left onto Regina's drive.

From I-84 West (Utah): Take Hammett exit 112 onto Hwy 78. Go through Bruneau and Grandview towards Oreana. Turn right (north) onto Wees road just after mile marker 48, after crossing Castle Creek. Next left onto Regina's drive.