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2009 AERC National Championship
Images by Merri Melde

2008 AERC National Championship
Images by Angie McGhee
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2011 AERC and AHA National Championship

55 Mile Ride - August 27:
1 Susan Barbour FWT
2 Marcella Himanka FWT
3 JJ Donley JR
4 Karen Donley FWT
5 Kavid Kaden MWT
6 Forest Green JR
7 Jospeh Reilly HWT
8 Tennesee Mahoney FWT
9 Tracy Kaden LWT
10 Gunner Frank HWT
11 Paul Sidio MWT
12 Alana Frank FWT
13 Nelia Reuter FWT
14 Khristin Seymore LWT
15 Darolyn Butler HWT
16 Christina Kimery JR
17 Linda Dollar LWT
18 Deborah Bresears LWT
19 Jennifer Hanson LWT
20 Jason Hanson LWT
21 Shelby Hanson FW
22 Julia Figg LWT
23 Kathy Myers FWT
24 Becky Taylor MWT
25 Julia Lynn-Elias LWT
26 Michael Elias MWT
Completion Richard Reingold
100 Mile Ride - August 25:
Justus Photography - Linda Sherrill

1st Place, 1st Middleweight
Christoph Schork & Stars Aflame

2nd Place, 1st Featherweight
Bev Gray & Jolly Sickle

4th Place, 1st Heavyweight
Crockett Dumas & OT Sara Moniet RSI

5th Place, 1st Lightweight
Anna Wolfe & Que Fantastica

A Hoof Perspective: AERC and AHA National Championship 2011 - Christoph Schork

Easycare Blog - Bootmeister

September 1 2011

For many years, Roger Taylor had hosted a 6 day pioneer endurance ride in this central area of New Mexico. Rich in history with a great scenery and plenty of sightseeing and exploration possibilities, Lincoln county has lots to offer.

This year's entries were down. Some blame it on the economy or high fuel prices, but the competing riders were rewarded with great weather, an outstanding veterinary staff and excellent management. Adequan was a major sponsor and helped make this event possible. Abundant rain this summer made the countryside very lush and green.

With over 17,000 vertical ft of elevation gain in the 100 mile race (and an equal amount of elevation loss), this championship ride featured more altitude climbing than Big Horn (15,500 ft) and Tevis. With temperatures topping out in the 90s, a good amount of humidity and a total mileage of 105, the 2011 AERC National Championship turned out to be one of the toughest in recent memory. New Mexico also has no shortage of rocks, so a very high percentage of riders elected to ride in protective horse boots with the overwhelming majority choosing Easyboot Glue-On hoof boots or the Easyboot Glove. It certainly seemed to be the right choice of hoof care products when looking at placings, finishing times and completion ratios.


August 25- 100 Mile Championship (unnoffical but probably correct :)
17 starters, 11 finishers. 65% completion.
1. Christoph Schork
2. Beverly Gray
3. Tennessee Mahoney
4. Crockett Dumas
5. Anna Wolf
5. Louise Burton
7. Deborah Breshears
8. Rusty Toth
9. Leah McCombs-Cain
10. Scott Campbell
11. Jennifer Redmon. Jennifer Redmon turtled with 13 minutes to spare.

1st Featherweight: Bev Gray on Jolly Sickle
1st Lightweight: Anna Wolfe on Que Fantastica
1st Middleweight: Christoph Schork on Stars Aflame
1st Heavyweight: Crockett Dumas on OT Sara Moniet RSI

1st Overall - Christoph Schork on Stars Aflame

Best Condition - Stars Aflame ridden by Christoph Schork
High Vet Score- TAR Pistol Pete ridden by Leah McCombs

AHA - full arabian - Christoph Schork and Stars Aflame
AHA - half arabian - Louise Burton and Am I Blue +/


Rogers and Sue Taylor put on an outstanding event with cooperating weather. Fort Stanton was a wonderful venue with recent rains greening up rolling hills. The vetting area was in camp and excellently staffed.

August 25- 100 Mile Championship
Ride Progress:
5:00 AM MTZ 17 horses started the 100 mile ride this morning at 4 am. 45 minutes into the first loop Crockett Dumas was leading. (from Linda Sherrill)
8:06 AM MTZ 9 horses have now passed us taking photos 6 miles into Loop 2. 4 horses running together. Christoph S, Darolyn B and 2 others. One pull so far, Tom Mort.
9:46 MTZ: First 3 horses just passed approx 40 mile mark. Christoph S. and I think Tennessee M. were 2 of them.
9:50AM MTZ Crockett Dumas, Anna Wolfe and Bev gray now at 40 mile mark.
First 3 horses just passed approx 40 mile mark. Christoph S. and I think Tennessee M. were 2 of them.
Christoph Schork, Cindy Medding (sp?), Tenessee Mahoney are first into vetgate 2
10:25 AM 14 of the remaining 16 100 mile horses have passed the 40 mile point
11:09 AM - in times at 2nd Vet Chec:
Cindy Mettes 10:02
Tennessee Mahoney 10:03
Christoph Schork 10:03
Crockett Dumas 10:13
Bev Gray 10:14
Anna Wolfe 10:16
Paul Sidio 10:16
Louise Burton 10:18
Darolyn Butler 10:25
Deb Breshears 10:46
Leah McCombs 10:47
Rusty Toth 10:48
Linda Dollar - RO
Tom Mort pulled fist VC for Lameness
2:44 PM These riders have arrived at and left Vet Check 3:
VC3 (arrival times)
Tennessee Mahoney 13:38
Christoph Schork 13:39
Crockett Dumas 13:39
Cindy Mettes 13:40
Anna Wolfe 13:44
Louise Burton 13:44
Bev Gray 13:46
Paul Sidio 14:00
Darolyn Butler 14:00
3:15 PM Frontrunners in on 3rd loop. 2 pulls so far..60 miles done
7:31 PMRusty Toth & Ripper are in at 84 miles. Big Horn 100 last month had total elevation gain of 15,400. They are currently at 14,700 and still have 16 miles to go. Still no winner: Christoph Schork has slowed down; Crockett is reportedly 20 minutes behind him. (from Kevin Myers)
7:44 PM Christoph Schork is now coming in for the win right this minute. (from Kevin Myers)
8:45 PM:
1. Christoph Schork (1st Middleweight)
2. Bev Gray (1st Featherweight)chris - mw - 4 x 40 hold - 7;30
3. Tennessee Mahoney
4. Crockett Dumas (1st Heavyweight)
5. Anna Wolfe
6. Louise Burton

Christoph's ride time was approximately 11 1/2 hours (unnofficial!!)

August 27- 55 Mile Championship
Base camp is located in a large open meadow at 6,200 feet elevation on BLM land. There are restrooms and porta-potties. Potable water will be available throughout camp. Base camp is about 4 miles from Capitan, NM, home of Smokey the Bear, where there are restaurants, a grocery store, a hotel, and a gas station.

What amenities are there at base camp?
Base camp offers primitive camping with plenty of potable water available throughout base camp. There in one permanent restroom and port-a-potties at strategic locations. An RV dump station is also located at the site and available for participants. There are no shower facilities or electrical hookups except for medical reasons. If you have a need for an electrical hookup please communicate with ride management.

What airports serve this area?
The El Paso International Airport and the Albuquerque International Airport are approximately 3 to 3 1/2 hours from base camp and offer full commercial flight options The Ruidoso Municipal Airport is within 15 minutes of base camp but does not provide any commercial flights. The Roswell Municipal Airport is about 1 1/2 hours from base camp and offers limited commercial flights.

What is the terrain like?
The ride is through rolling hills and generally on one-track trails that meet trail master standards for sustainable trails. As can be expected, elevation changes will be rocky but are short stretches of trail.

Are there stores nearby?
Capitan, New Mexico, home of Smokey the Bear, is four miles from base camp and offers a well-stock grocery store, hardware store and two feed stores. Ruidoso is 20 miles from base camp and has considerable shopping available.

Are there hotels near base camp?
Capitan is four miles from base camp and has one hotel. Ruidoso is 20 miles from base camp and as a resort town offers many lodging alternatives.

What would be the weather expectations?
Normal highs would be in the low to mid 80s but could get up to 90 degrees. Normal lows are in the low to mid 50’s but could dip down into the 40s.

When will base camp be open for riders?
Ride management will arrive and setup camp on August 13 and leave August 29. The Fort Stanton trail is always open for camping but is reserved for our ride from August 21 through August 29. There is up to 14 days camping free allowed when our permit isn’t in effect. There is a small charge for electricity when used outside of permit.

Is there any boarding available between the July ride and the National Championship ride?
Limited arrangements have been made for boarding during this period. Please contact ride management as soon as possible if you are interested in boarding your horse during this period to assure a spot.

Are there any local boarding facilities available during the ride?
Again, limited arrangements have been made. Please contact ride management as soon as possible if you need local boarding during the ride.

Are there points of interest in the area to visit during non-riding days?
Nearby historic Fort Stanton offers a museum and self-guided tours of the fort. Historical Lincoln, New Mexico is about 7 miles from base camp featuring Billy the Kid and the history of the Lincoln County War. Ruidoso is about 20 miles from base camp and is a ski and gambling resort town that also has the History of the Horse Museum. Capitan in the home of Smokey the Bear and is 4 miles from base camp.

Are there any fire restrictions?
Yes. There are no open fires permitted at any time. Charcoal and propane grills are normally allowed but during extreme fire danger these cannot be used. Smoking is allowed only inside vehicles.

Are dogs welcome
Yes, but must be kept at the owners campsite or on a leash. No loose dogs are permitted. Dogs, even on leashes, are not to be at meals or near the vetting or office area.