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North American Young Riders Endurance Ride (NAYRER) - 75-Mile CEI**

July 29, 2010
Shaker Village - Harrodsburg, Kentucky
Held in conjunction with the North American Junior/Young Riders Championships

Updates by Angie McGhee & Jody Rogers-Buttram

Best Condition and High Vet Score went to Syrocco Cadence ridden by Jennifer Stevens to an individual Gold representing the West team, and owned by Meg Sleeper.

Team Gold went to USA-East Members

Kyle Gibbon
Steven Hay
Lindsay Bean
Sarah Jack
Josie McGhee

Silver team went to Central

Kirsten Kimbler
McCamey Kimbler
Kelsey Kimbler
Devon Horn

Bronze went to Mountain/West (combined) Jennifer Stevens
Frances Chase Dunn
Katie Bran

Lots of videos at Angie's My-Endurance page!

...updates from the field..

8:26 PM
1. Jennifer Stevens West on Syrocco Cadence (Cadie) owned by Meg Sleeper INDIVIDUAL GOLD
2. Sarah Jack East on Syrocco Troyless owned by Meg Sleeper INDIVIDUAL SILVER
3. Steven Hay East on Khalil Asam owned Natalie Muzzio (Steven is from PA Natalie VA) INDIVIDUAL BRONZE
4. Linsay Bean East on Tektonic owned by Kathy Brunjes and Tom Hutchison (Maine)
5. Kirsten Kimbler Central on Cody Canuck (South Dakota)
6. Devon Horn Central (Texas )on DJB Deste Jazzman owned by Darolyn Butler (Texas)
7. Frances Chase Dunn West (CA) on DJB Tessareh TX
8.Josie McGhee East (GA) on Reminisonce +/ SC
9. Kelsey Kimbler (SD) Forever Afire
10. Katie Bran (CA) on KS Rubin (CA)

Pull Lee Hutten riding Phantom (Canada)
Pull Jessica Hendricks Cherab Rosen (Canada)
Pull McCamey Kimbler on Fringant (South Dakota)

It appears that USA-East would win team gold but that is not official

Apologize for leaving Kelsey Kimbler off the last post. I missed her coming in.

7:06 PM
1. Jennifer Stevens West on Syrocco Cadence (Cadie) owned by Meg Sleeper INDIVIDUAL GOLD
2. Sarah Jack East on Syrocco Troyless owned by Meg Sleeper INDIVIDUAL SILVER
3. Steven Hay East on Khalil Asam owned Natalie Muzzio (Steven is from PA Natalie VA) INDIVIDUAL BRONZE
4. Linsay Bean East on Tektonic owned by Kathy Brunjes and Tom Hutchison (Maine)
5. Kirsten Kimbler Central on Cody Canuck (South Dakota)
6. Devon Horn Central (Texas )on DJB Deste Jazzman owned by Darolyn Butler (Texas)
7. Frances Chase Dunn West (CA) on DJB Tessareh TX
8.Josie McGhee (GA) East on Reminisonce +/ SC

Still on trail at 9 PM Katie Bran (CA) on KS Rubin (CA)

Pull Lee Hutten riding Phantom (Canada)
Pull Jessica Hendricks Cherab Rosen (Canada)
Pull McCamey Kimbler on Fringant (South Dakota)

It appears that USA-East would win team gold but that is not official

5:06 PM
1. Jennifer Stevens
2. Sarah Jack
3. Steven Hay
4. Lindsey Bean

4:37 PM
Just crossed the line, were Jennifer Stevens and Sarah Jack cantering across the line together with Jennifer edging Sarah for the individual Gold. This is still the unofficial finish, they have to meet the 20 min. pulse and the vet area is 1/2 mile away.

3:35 PM
Winners expected in in about 15 mins.

Going out at last VC:
4:55 Lindsey Bean (East)
4:56 Sarah Jack and Jennifer Stevens (East and West)
4:59 Steven Hay (East)
5:23 Kirsten Kimbler (Central)
5:27 Devon Horn (Central)
5:31 Frances Dunn (Central)
5:43 Josie McGhee (East)

Jody Rogers-Buttram

2:43 PM:
We have in this order in with 12.5 miles to go. It is a 40 min. hold, and there is about 20 mins. left in the hold.

First out: Lindsey Bean out at 4:15 2nd and 3rd: Sarah Jack and Jennifer Stevens going out ONE min. later --4:16 4th out: Steven Hay at 4:19

The team standings are: East is in first, Central in second and West is third. If the East doesn't do something to blow it, they will have the Gold Team medal.

According to Angie, the first four horses in vetted through faster than they had been doing all day. Seasoned horses, with good riders, plus very experienced crews.

Jody Rogers-Buttram

1:33 PM:

1. 2, 3, 2:39 out time
Steven Hay on Sammy
Sarah Jack on Syrocco Troless
110 Jen Stevens on Meg Sleeper's horse Syrocco Cadence

4. 106 Lindsey Beane on Tektonic 2:40
5. 111 Frances Chase Dunn DJB Tessareh 2:44
6. 115 Devan Horn DJB Deste Jazzman 2:54
7. 113 Kirsten Kimbler Cody Canuck 2:58
8. 107 Josie McGhee on Remeniscence 3:02
9. 114 McCamey Kimbler Fringant 3:24
10. 114 Kelsey Kimbler on Forever Afire 3:28

101 and 102 just arrived at 3:15 They have 20 min. to get their horses down. It's taking pretty much that. Super high heat and humidity. Storm front pushing in heat & humidity higher with chance of lightning later.

109. Katie Bran on the Shagya stallion just arrived at 3:30

11:29 AM:
I'm here at North American Young Riders in Harrodsburg,KY. I wrote a LONG post last night when I had no internet to explain details but since it's 37.5 miles in and I just got internet here's the short update:


One of the Stevens girls on a gray
Lindsay Beane on Tectonic
Steven Hay on Sammy?
Sarah Jack on Troy

7 or so min. back two Texas gals, I'll get names. Riding Darolyn horses?

one more minute back, Josie McGhee on Sonny (Remeniscence)

Canadians are being careful, riding steady as team, just a little farther back. Californian girl on Shagya Stallion staying well off pace intentionally.

News notes: Dicamillos have had AWFUL luck. One of their horses stepped in a plastic pipe and cut it's forearm on the way here at a rest stop. 2nd horse, "Strike Two", a gray coliced last night pretty violently. Had nothing to do with anything here, turned out he had a torn abdominal wall. Was taken away by trailer to a clinic where they did surgery last night. The prognosis is good. The tear had allowed a section of the intestine to bulge through and fill up. They did not have to resection the intestine so that was all good. Feel horrible for them, checking into somewhere for the horse to rehab locally for 2-4 weeks before making the trip back to New Mexico.

Kyle Gibbon had shoe problems on the first loop and it seemed to affect his mount "Salt". He developed a cramp and was pulled for lameness.

The sky was mercifully overcast most of the morning. Temp was 73 and 97% humidity at the start. In the upper 80's now at 11:37 and the humidity was still in the upper 60s last I heard. All I know is the sum of the two was still in the 160 range. Not easy. There are long climbs and cooling the horses involves LAVISH amounts of water. The Californians are starting to get the hang of it.

Another small problem on my web coverage. Seems DiCamillo had my camera in her purse when the horse coliced and she left so I'm going to have to get photos where I can. May be slow go.


Reporting: Angie McGhee
Thursday July 29 2010

Hey Guys,
I’m up here in Harrodsburg, Kentucky at the North American Young Riders Endurance Championships. The ride is THURSDAY (today) so a little unusual on the schedule. The North American Young Riders Championships are being held nearby in Lexington at the Kentucky Horse Park. There are riders age 16-20 from all over the USA, Canada, and South America competing in Reining, 3-day Eventing, Dressage, Show Jumping, and Endurance. I may have left something out so feel free to correct me.

This is my 2nd year at NAYRER, last year Josie rode Stagg Newman’s horse Winston and Stagg was not there with us so I had on my crew hat and no extra time to report. This year Josie is competing again but riding Lynne Kenelly’s horse Sonny, and Lynn is here to be the super crew so I am free to report. I’m typing this up Wed. night while I have no internet so can’t look up the websites to post links or even look up Sonny’s real name “Reminiscence??” All I know is it’s got a couple of **/ after it. :-/

It’s pretty common to borrow horses for these competitions which may bother some, but I’ve found it’s been a great learning experience for us. Yes, my kid has her own horse which she competes and conditions, however she’s learned what she’s learned from me and believe me, there’s probably LOTS of better ways to do things. Enter the Young Riders program. Here’s how I have seen my daughter’s experience:…you’re a junior coming up the ranks and everyone makes a fuss over you and you’re cute and you get something pretty much at every ride, then you turn 16 and BAM. You wake up being nobody’s sweetheart any more, just another “grown up” ranked with us grannies and the middle aged moms (or dads) of 2. Right when you think there’s nothing special for you’re age group in open competition, in FEI you are just arriving as a “Young Rider”. What this means is you’re young enough to have promise, and old enough to be trusted.

There are two types of competitors here this week…those who have their own horses which they have competed, qualified, and gone to the expense of passporting, and then there are the ones like my daughter who have been loaned or leased a horse by an experienced international competitor. This can be a mutually beneficial arrangement in that FEI entries are very expensive, but Young Riders ride for ½ price. What this means is that if a rider is bring a horse up through the ranks, getting him qualified for international he can save quite a bit on entry fees by having a Young Rider ride the horse in some of those shorter rides. The beauty of that is the Young Rider is getting to ride a very high quality horse and be coached by riders with quite a bit of experience and expertise. Imagine being 17-year old Sarah Jack of New Hampshire. She is riding Sirrocco Troyless who has been off continent 4 times and she has Meg Sleeper as her crew, while she’ll be riding along with Lindsay Beane who will be on Kathy Brunjes horse Tectonic! You can watch another rider for years but it’s not the same as riding their horse and them telling you how they want something done and why. Personally, I’m jealous.

So, fifteen riders are here representing Canada, Montana, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Maine, California, South Dakota, and Georgia. They’re back from the opening ceremonies at Kentucky Horse Park where they marched in with their team banner among all the other disciplines, the horses are ready. OK, enough FEI’ish talk. Let’s talk trail conditions because once the ride starts, this is an endurance ride and out on the trail the same things matter as at any ride we all go to.

Since I had experienced this sort of competition last year I realized the problems associated with riders from all over the country converging on a venue that really isn’t home to any of them. Since I’m a ride manager myself I knew water would be one of my big concerns as manager and figured maybe I could help out there. I threw in 18 30-gal. containers and once we got permission to put out all the water we could haul we were given free access to the course. Here’s my take:

The venue is “The Shaker Village” At Harrodsburg, KY. They have a website with excellent trail maps on-line where you can view the course. We’re pretty much using all of it. This place is BEAUTIFUL, in the heart of horse country with long rolling fields. The course runs around the borders of the fields which are pretty much ALL fenced off with 3’6” stacked stone walls that are about a foot and a half thick and OLD. Anybody who says a white man won’t do hard labor never looked at the Shaker Villages! The course is bushhogged along the walls going up and over hills, down into gorges with lovely wide creeks which still have water at times. Shade is NOT in abundance. Heat and humidity ARE. The heat here in the East has been absolutely brutal this summer and this week has been no exception. Temps will be in the 90’s with high humidity…the kind of numbers where people are warned to stay inside. Not a bad weekend to be on the horse from South Carolina! We’ve had cloud cover off and on for the last two days and there is a fairly steady breeze here which helps if you ever get in the shade but you really don’t notice it when the sun is glaring down. The trick tomorrow will be to keep the horses temps down, keep them hydrated and simply ride SMART. Unfortunately, this afternoon the DiCamillo’s gray horse which came up from New Mexico coliced while just standing around in his spacious board fenced grassy paddock here. At present we don’t know if the humidity or grass, neither of which he was accustomed to may have contributed or not. He will not be competing in the ride.

I figure the best contribution I can make tomorrow is keeping lots of water on the trail so I may be able to send in some decent trail shots instead of the usual crewing photos. Unfortunately, Josie just informed me my camera is in DiCamillo’s purse so photos will depend on their return to the venue. Otherwise, I have a video camera and can download that.


The NAJYRC is the premier equestrian competition in North America for junior and young riders, age 14-21. Young equestrians come from the United States, Bermuda, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and the Caribbean Islands to vie for team and individual FEI medals in the three Olympic equestrian disciplines of show jumping, dressage, eventing and the World Equestrian Games discipline of reining. The competition is run under rules of the FEI (Federation Equestre Internationale), the international governing body for equestrian sport, and is the only FEI championship held annually on this continent.

Entries for the NAYRER Endurance ride are due July 17, 2010

Camp will open Monday, July 26.

Tuesday July 27: Ride meeting

Wednesday July 28: Photos of participants by Genie Stewart-Spears, Endurance Clinic, vetting in of horses, Opening Ceremonies, and Welcoming Party

Thursday, July 29: Start of NAYRER ride, 6 AM

Friday, July 30: Best Conditioned Judging, Brunch and Awards Ceremony

Saturday, July 31: Competitor's Party at Kentucky Horse Park

Sunday, August 1: Closing Ceremonies

For more information and entry forms, see http://www.nayrer.org/

NAYRER - Young Riders' Profiles

Sarah Jack - 17 - New Hampshire
Sarah has an eventing background, her grand mother (Jane Graffam) introduced her to long distance riding.

Sarah did her 1st CTR at the age of 10 and her 1st LD at the age of 12. Since then she has completed over 1000 miles.

Her favorite ride is Western Maine. She will be riding Shyrocco Troilus owned by Meg Sleeper. Sarah and Troy took 2nd place (ride time 5:04) at the Biltmore CEI*.
Sandra Fretelliere

Steven Hay - 19 - Pennsylvania
Steven was participating in 4H shows before he got into long distance riding mentored by his neighbor Jane Villistrigo, he started to ride endurance 8 years ago, he has accumulated more than 1500 miles, has completed 100s.

His favorite ride is Biltmore, A couple of years ago, he and his horse enjoyed the trails and terrain and had a great time.

Steven will be riding Khalil Asam owned by Nathalie Muzzio. They placed 8th (ride time 5:36) at the Biltmore CEI*.
Sandra Fretelliere

Becky Pearman
Josie Mc Ghee - 20 - Georgia

Her mum (Angie Mc Ghee) put Josie on a horse as soon as she came back from the hospital, she was just a couple of days old.

She started riding really young (i'm sure most of you have seen her very famous videos).

She did her first 50 when she was 10 since she has completed more than 2400 miles.

Her favorite ride is Million Pines for the atmosphere, fun and hospitality.

Josie will be riding Reminisonce+/ owned by Lynn Kennely.
Sandra Fretelliere

Kyle Gibbon - 20 - Vermont
Kyle started riding ponies around the fields bareback, later moved on to "formal" trail riding. He took some english lessons, he showed in English pleasure/equitation and Hunter/Jumpers.

He did his 1st CTR at 14 on his paint Kolby, he also competed him in endurance before getting his arabian mare which he completed his 1st 100 with in 2007.

Kyle has more than 3200 endurance miles, has completed 15 100.

Kyle will be riding Salt owned by Steven Rojeck.
Sandra Fretelliere

Kirsten Kimbler - 21 - South Dakota
Kirsten started taking lessons at an arabian show barn, then started showing arabians. She got into endurance when her dad saw an article about Tevis, he had always dreamt about riding.

They started to compete in endurance rides, since then Kirsten has completed 2290 miles. Her favorite ride was in Canada, it was a great family experience, they managed to go through some difficulties on trails and turn the situation into a funny story to remember.

Kirsten will be riding Cody Canuck that she owns. There will be 3 other riders from Kirsten's familly riding the NAYRER.
Sandra Fretelliere

Lindsay Bean - 20 - Maine
Lindsay received the best gift a little girl can dream of when she was 4: a pony!

She rode him until she was old enough to handle the farm Belgians.

She started to ride endurance with Tom Hutchison and Kathy Brunges in 2006, she has now almost 1000 miles.

Her favorite ride is Pine Tree.

She will be riding Tektonic owned by Kathy Brunjes at NAYRER.
Sandra Fretelliere

Frances Chase-Dunn - 19 - California Also attending is Frances Chase-Dunn. 19 year old Frances began riding in as a small child and grew up in an endurance family. Her mom is Carolyn Hock who owns and operates White Horse Ranch and has competed internationally.

Frances was top AERC Junior in Pacific South in 2005 and this will be her third North American Young Riders Endurance Ride. She attended the very first NAYRER ride in Colorado in 2008 and loves meeting the other kids from around the country. They continue to communicate throughout the year through texting and Facebook and have become good friends with the common love of the sport of endurance. Frances is also on the track tem at the University of California Santa Barbara where she competes in the 400 meter hurdles.
by Carolyn Hock

Katie Bran - California Katie has loved riding her whole life. She started riding by helping to turn off track thoroughbreds into suitable riding mounts as hunter jumpers. She has also been in the show arena and a little over a year ago began endurance while riding for White Horse Ranch in Southern California. It was there she met Shagya Stallion KS Rubin and became one of the main riders to campaign him to second place in the AERC Jim Jones Stallion Award in 2009. From there Katie went on to do her first FEI ride at Becky Hart’s Shine and Shine Only ride which helped qualify her for the NAYRER. Katie also attends Cal Poly Pomona College. She will be riding KS Rubin at the NAYRER.
by Carolyn Hock

North American Young Riders Endurance Ride (NAYRER) - Entries

Lee HuttenPhantomCanada
Steven HayKhalil AsamUSA
Sarah JackShyrocco TroilusUSA
Kelsey KimblerForever AfireUSA
Kirsten KimblerCody CanuckUSA
McCamey KimblerFringantUSA
Jessica DiCamilloRGS Crestwind PremiereUSA
Kyle GibbonSaltUSA
Devan HornKJB Deste JazzmanUSA
Katherine Bran*KS RubinUSA
Jennifer StevensSyrocco CadenceUSA
Josie McGheeTBAUSA
Jessica HendriksCapital Tee BrawnUSA
Frances Chase-DunnTBAUSA
Linday BeanTektonicUSA