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2010 FITS Friday
Images by Angie McGhee

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Saturday March 6 2010

Meg Sleeper and SSyrocco Revelie first in 100, Kathy Brunjes second on Theatric

Meg Sleeper Syrocco Revelie edges out Kathy Brunjes on Theatric
for the 100 mile win.

Steve Rojek and Hernan Barbosa arriving at the third gate at 57 miles.

100 mile winner Syrocco Revelei at Gate 2 36 miles.

Doroto Raciborska Toro on Valerie Kanavy's horse

After 57 miles, Valarie Kanavy and King Ali Gold head out for an
18 mile stage.

Kathy Brunjes and Theatric coming in at 75 miles

Josie and Winston finishing up the 75. She said when he spooked
from something while wading through puddles above the
knees she started to think about alligators.

Between gates 2 and three Sue Hedgecock and Cia Reis

The start of the 100. Pretty dark but if you like 100's it'll give you chills and make you wish you were there. :-)

The start of the 75 Saturday. It's cold, in the 30's. 15 starters.

Friday March 5 2010

Darolyn Butler wins the 50 on Nevada 11 year old gelding.

Megan Davis, Gail King and Wendy Bejarano tie for 2nd in the 50 Friday.

5th and 6th place finishers Friday's 50. Gene Limlaugh and Frank Murphy

Jenny Eilers (sp?) on Wendy from Macon GA. 7th in the 50 Friday

Last two finishers on the 50 Friday

Kyle Gibbon and Hernon Barbosa gallop in together for the win in the 75. Third place is Arnie Willemse from South Africa. Haim Levy from Columbia that left the last check 36 min. ahead of them was lost somewhere out on the loop. He apparently did ot speak English and his crew was trying to talk him in by cell phone.

Cici Butler was leading the 75 but horse was pulled for lameness