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2024 Andalucia Iron Horse! - The hardest endurance ride in the world

May 4-11 * 500 km * Almeria to El Rocio

Steph Teeter honors the Andalusian Iron Horse 2024 with a bronze statue, merging art and equestrian sport


February 2 2024

In the exciting world of equestrian raid, the new edition of the "Andalucía Iron Horse 2024" stands out not only for its challenging 500 km tour of the Andalusian landscapes but also for artistic recognition.

The famous artist Steph Teeter has joined the celebration of this iconic event with the donation of a bronze statue, a gesture that reflects the spirit of solidarity and passion for horseback riding.

This work of art, in addition to being a symbol of the resistance and beauty inherent in the competition, stands as a tribute to the link between the rider and his horse, central elements of this test that combines the sporting challenge with the admiration for the nature and culture of Andalusia.

Visit Steph Teeter's website to get to know the rest of his work: stephteeterart.com

Pre-registered and News of the Iron Horse Andalucia 2024

BlogElRaid.com - Full Story

January 25, 2024
Gabriel Gamiz

From the Iron Horse Andalucia 2024 Organization, one of the important members of the organization of this mythical test, Fernando Uriarte , sends me information about this test, Preregistered , with a significant number of Riders and Horses from 12 different countries , and the route for the different cities where this test will take place and much more information.

In the pre-registrations, I read the names of riders with whom I met in the first Al-Andalus that I ran , many Spaniards and some foreigners, who later met in the Kaliber Andalucia and who were continually telling me that when this test was organized again.

Well, we already have it here with the efforts of José Manuel Soto and Fernando Uriarte , creators of the test and after much effort and work they are managing to excite the fans, and the number of pre-registered people shows it and there is still time to gallop away.

We are waiting for you all at the departure from Almería and arriving enjoying the Andalusian landscapes to the feet of the Virgen del Rocio.

See the pre-registered here:

About the ride

The spectacular equestrian event "Iron Horse" has become a legendary journey across Andalusia

This new challenge presented here is the successor of the famous Kaliber-Al Andalus endurance rides we organised for six years, from 2006 to 2011, remembered by fans as a race like none other in the world, combining the competitive effort with a truly special atmosphere of camaraderie and fellowship.

“Andalusia Iron Horse 2024” has just that spirit, a mixture of competition and experience, of effort and enjoyment, where the horse is the star of the show and the means to help us to discover a magical region and that is full of contrast and movingly beautiful, with historical patrimony like nothing else in this world.

This 500 km ride covers the varied, challenging landscapes of Andalusia, from Almería to El Rocío

An extreme competition that requires serious preparation and a real commitment, it’s not a just a gentle stroll

It is the longest race in the world, and definitely the most beautiful, but also the toughest, with flat stages ideal for galloping and rocky, mountainous legs to negotiate, with the horse’s health always first and foremost. We’d like to encourage everyone, amateurs and professionals alike, to take part in this challenge, wherever you come from. Come and discover Andalusia with this unrivalled race and get the best out of your horses. It’s likely many of you have no idea just what you’re able to achieve with proper training.

The event seeks to promote the sport and attract the attention of brands and the general public, with live streaming and a documentary

We also aim to bring the sport the social and media spotlight it deserves by making daily broadcasts that can be streamed anywhere in the world. We’ll also produce a round-up in documentary format so viewers can understand the effort it takes to prepare for a test like this, and the enormous satisfaction of reaching the finish with both horse and rider in perfect shape. As we bring this challenge to the general public, we’ll also get brand names more interested in this discipline, which will result in great benefits for riders, trainers, livestock farmers, transport companies, manufacturers of equipment and feedstuffs and everyone who, in some way, dedicates their time and energy to this sport.

Despite the challenges, the organisation requests understanding and collaboration, as it is committed to the beauty and the safety of the test Finally, on behalf of the organisation, we’d just like to say that organising a 500 km cross-country trial is no small feat. It won’t all go perfectly, of course, you’ll have to understand that we’re a small, recently formed company facing a giant challenge, and we apologise in advance if we miss anything. Our aim is to create the most scenic route possible that supports the health and safety of both horses and riders. There will be a large team of veterinarians and judges monitoring both aspects, but above all we’ll need your understanding and collaboration when the more complicated moments arise, and they will.

The ride will be held in May, a month that promises climatic challenges, but in the end, all the participants will feel it has been a unique achievement and will look forward to the next event

May is known as the month of the flowers. This period is usually warm, with good light, after a cold, wet winter. But we may well come across heavy storms or high temperatures, which will challenge us all. One thing is certain though, when we reach El Rocío, we’ll all have the sensation of having passed a unique test and we’ll be looking forward to coming back for the next event.