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Endurance.Net Home 2010 Bayinbuluke Swan Lake
Chinese Equestrian Association website

Official 2010 Bayninbulu Swan Lake Website

Bayinbuluke Swan Lake International
Images by www.horse.org.cn

About the Bayinbuluke ride || About Endurance in China || Kanas International

Come ride Endurance in China!
We welcome riders from all over the world. Horses will be supplied for free in Endurances in Bayinbuluke Swan Lake, Xilingol and Yichuan, and expenses including accommodation in the competition places and transportation from the airport to the competition places will be borne by us. We will supply free pickup services in Wulumuqi Airport, Beijing Airport, and Yinchuan Airport.
Contacts: wu@horse.org.cn (Webmaster) and liujie@horse.org.cn
2010 Competition Schedule
  • 6.16-6.21: Endurance in Kanas, Xinjiang, CEI* (80km one day). Grassland and Mountain
  • 7.9-7.11: Eudurance in Bayinbuluke Swan Lake, CEI* (80km one day), Xinjiang. Grassland and Mountain and Wetland
  • 7.15-7.18: Eudurance in Zhaosu, CEI* (80km one day), Xinjiang. Grassland
  • 7.31-8.1: the 2nd Chinese International Endurance in Xilingol in Inner Mongolia. CEI* (80km, one day).Grassland.
  • 8.28-29: the First International Equestrian Invitational Tournament-international Endurance in Yinchuan China. CEI*( 80km, one day).Grassland,dessert,the Great Wall
July 709 Event: Bayinbuluke, Swan Lake, CEI*

Article at www.china.org.cn

Also - - Kanas International, June

About Endurance in China

The Chinese government and Chinese Equestrian Association has decided to promote the sport of Endurance in China. They hope that the sport will become popular in China and eventually become a major centre for endurance competition. They also hope that the local horses wil become competitive on a worldwide scale.

The Chinese are hoping that with training and experience, including bringing foreign competitors to Chinese endurance events, that they can become competitive in the International sport of Endurance.

The country has vast areas of beautiful countryside, perfect for Endurance. They also have huge numbers of horses on government farms, left over from army and other uses. Endurance might be a good use for these horses that are renowned for their hardiness and speed over long distance. They've been bred from the horses Ghengis Kahn left behind.

A report on endurance perfomance of local horses after the first endurance race last year.


some race photos from 2009

Bayanbulak Swan Lake Equestrian Endurance Race Held in Xinjiang 2010-07-12 14:20:39
Web Editor: Liu Yuanhui
article at http://big5.cri.cn/gate/big5/english.cri.cn/7146/2010/07/12/2561s582391.htm

The second Bayanbulak Swan Lake Equestrian Endurance Race was held Saturday at the Bayanbulak Grassland in Xinjiang's Bayingol Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture. Horse riders from different areas in and outside China have taken part in the race. Adopting the international rules for the first time, this race pays more attention to the welfare of the horses. Zhao Jianfu has the details.

More than 100 horsemen from all over China including Hong Kong, Taiwan, Beijing, Xinjiang and other provinces as well as from Singapore have competed in the Bayanbulak Swan Lake Equestrian Endurance Race. Xu Jingling, a rider from Singapore, tells us his feelings about the race. "I took part in a similar endurance race last year in Inner Mongolia, that was more for experience. This time I'm trying to do better, but mostly is for fun. I think it's a good idea to adopt the international standards, because one of the main principles of the international standards is the condition and welfare of the horse, so I think it's very important they take the approach."

Although it's the second endurance race held in the area, it is the first time the standards of the Federation Equestre Internationale, or FEI, has been adopted in Xinjiang, and the second such race with international rules in China following the event which took place last year in Inner Mongolia. The whole 80 kilometer race is separated into four stages, and the condition of the horses is tested between them. The horses take breaks between the stages so as to guarantee they won't get hurt. If the physical condition of a horse does not meet the standards, it will not continue the race.

Man Zhenwei, chief judge of the endurance race, talks about the importance of adopting the international rules of equestrian endurance racing in China. "Adopting the international rules is very important in helping the development of equestrian races in China and also can help in changing people's understanding of equestrianism. In equestrian competitions, China is underdeveloped in most events such as jumping and dressage. Currently, the most popular equestrian race participated by large numbers of people is the endurance race. If more such competitions with standard rules and organization can be held, this sport will develop well in China."

In China, there are a large number of horses, which are mainly used in agriculture. However, many types of horses are of high quality and suitable for various competitions. Man Zhenwei adds the equestrian race may also help in cultivating good horses for races. "After the Chinese cavalry was canceled, there were about 40 to 50 thousand horses in China. But since they rarely participate in races, the gene found in Mongolian horses that can do endurance racing are gradually degenerating. So through these competitions, people can be more aware of the real value of horses, and pay more effort in training horses and taking them to different races. Then many related industries may also be developed."

In the 2nd Bayanbulak Swan Lake Equestrian Endurance Race, the winner was a local horseman; other awards for 'best horse condition' and 'best rider' were also handed out at the end of the race.

For CRI, I'm Zhao Jianfu.