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Re: RC: Re: extra help on trail

At 03:09 PM 11/13/1999 -0500, Maggie Mieske wrote:
>have seen at most types of events. I have pulled him away from icky looking
>puddles though...what IS IN some of those?  I can see little things moving
>around and it gives me the willies!!

My horses really love puddles the best.  Unless I am concerned that it's an 
area that may have been sprayed with insecticides or heribicides (or has 
oil in it, stuff like that), I let them drink.  Often, in Nevada.....that's 
our only source of water on the trail, except for a water trough and those 
can be few and far between.   We have rides where we are not allowed to 
sponge/scoop our horses because ALL the water has to be hauled in and it's 
hard to get it out on the trail.

>  It will be interesting to see others'
>comments.  What is the greater risk, a thirsty horse or a shared water

You have to ask?  I have never <knock on wood> had a horse get sick at an 
endurance ride, but if I were to have kept them from drinking out of 
community troughs or dirty mud puddles they'd both be dead now.  Guaranteed.

Trying to be conscious about it is one thing, but don't let paranoia get 
the best of you.  Always do what is best for your horse.  If you have a 
choice of water then definitely go for the source that isn't likely to be 
contaminated, just use your common sense with making those kind of 

Happy Trails,

in NV
& Rocky, 2,060 miles
& Weaver, 3,155 miles

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