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VA Trail needs your help
Dear Trail Enthusiasts,
We need your help here in Va. in order to move some trail construction
issues forward.
We have a local state Park "Pocahontas" which is located on the
outskirts of Richmond. We have managed to have them re-open the trails
to horses in the last few months through some diligent efforts by the
local riders. In order to build connector trails we need funding. The
Chesterfield County Dept. of Transportation has made application to the
state Dept. of Transportation (VDOT) for ISTEA Funds to help with this
construction. The fear is that if the horse folks don't stay on top of
this that the request may not be given ample consideration. We are
asking you to write to
Mr. Robert Cassada
Programming & Scheduling Division
Virginia Dept. of Transportation (VDOT)
1401 E Broad Street
Richmond, VA 23219
and express your "support for the ISTEA grant application submitted by
Chesterfield County to construct a multi-use trail at Pocahontas State
Park." The current trail system is quite lovely but is mostly dead-end
fireroads. We need connectors built that will result in a good
perimeter trail. There is ample support from local clubs to help with
volunteer labor and maintenance. This park is now in a very high growth
area of Richmond Metropolitan Area. It will serve as a nice local ride
site that will keep many of us from having to drive out of town to have
trail access.
Any communication to Mr. Cassada will be appreciated. As others have
said, it not necessary to write a book. Just a simple statement of
support is sufficient.
Thank you
Sally Aungier
Acting Chair, Virginia Horse Council Trails Committee
with more trails issues to come......
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