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Re: we've all done dumb things...


> I went forward over it holding on for dear life(never let Jafaar loose-
> it takes 6 hours to catch him!!). As my stomach hit the chain and
> carried all my weight, well you can guess what happened- and it was so
> loud EVERYONE heard!!

ROTFLMAO!!!! Hahahaha! <giggle, snort>

Hehehe! :-)))))

This has happened to me too over a breast bar 
when a mare turbocharged backwards and the 
instinct was to HOLD ON to that rope! But alas, 
no humourous emissions from the rear passage!!

<still grinning>

Liz 'Toilet Humour' Carpenter
and Basil The Gas Machine (ffffffft!)

Dr E Carpenter
Institute for Cardiovascular Research
The University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK
+ 44 (0113) 2334169/2334803 (voice/fax)
+ 44 (0498) 783129 (mobile)

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