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Re: Let's Discuss Worming

In a message dated 1/28/99 1:36:26 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> I've read on the FDA
>  websites that it can take up to a full month till ivermectin leaves the
>  horses system.  I don't know if that would affect their performance at all,
>  though we are talking a toxic substance (toxic to the worms for certain --
>  but what about the horse?)  

Interesting subject... my horse suffers from what we here call  "muck itch"-
"intolerance to onchocerca laravae" which comes from flies.  I dose him orally
with liquid ivermectin 16cc every month for a 900 lb horse!  On my vets
advice, who btw, is also doing this for 2 of his horses.  Vet and I have been
doing this for nearly 2 years now.  The only current evidence of the
onchocerca intolerance is an area on his withers that he just won't stop
rubbing and some tail rubbing.  His mane is thin in the middle but not
completely rubbed out like it was 2 years ago.   This was a horse who rubbed
himself pretty badly.  If he seems to be doing ok, not having a flare-up, then
I will stretch the interval between doses.  He is due this weekend, but
because I have a ride the following weekend, then I will wait until I get back
just to be safe. Of course here in FL we haven't seen any good cold weather to
freeze out the parasites & flys.  

Jackie Baker, FL

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