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Re: RC: Heart Monitors

Hi again,
I  hope that I did not lead anyone astray with my figure of 95%, but the
results were the same for both the moniter and the P/R person 95 % of
the time.  The monitors did get a different reading from the stethescope
only 5 % and it could have been possible that the P & R person  was
wrong. Rechecks favoured the moniters.  The human chance for error is
usually greater than an instrument that has been working properly. Some
people cannot hear as well as others, and then some are not trained as
well, but these people still try. Some of these people do P & R s on
rides as the best trained quite often insist on riding, not working the
rides.  No system is perfect.  One of our riders had a horse  that had
an irregular heart beat. Even  trained people with a stethescope could
not pick it up (had been treated and examined at  the treatment centre
of the Vet. College). The heart monitor picked  up the extra beats on
the rides.
As I mentioned earlier I score the results of the competetive rides and
do all the score cards. There is little or no compaints about the P & Rs
(to what there used to be) since we have been using the monitors. I feel
that it has improved the accuracy in this area of scoring, and thus has
improved the sport
New technology is not  the end all, but people are not 100% correct
100% of the time. Over the past 20 years the way we train, feed, and
care for our animals during the rides have changed a great deal.
Technology has helped us a lot, perhaps it can help in taking P & Rs
more accurately.

Larry, the volunteer worker who can use the monitor but cannot hear well
enough to use a stethescope..

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