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Re: RC: ride vetting

Be careful what you wish for. You may get it.

Do you seriously believe that you would be able to corner say, a half-dozen
experinced equine vets *all licensed in the same state* and tie them up for
an entire weekend, more or less, to run a ride?

Who would be covering for them?

Do you truly belive that the fees paid to these DVMs would begin to cover
the costs of obtaining licensure in multiple states? 

Yes, I know there are some DVMs who travel a lot and have licensure in many
states, but seriously, if you think that requiring all ride vets to be
licensed in the state which is holding a ride is a good idea, you'd best be
prepared for  a much longer wait to vet through the hold, and/or far fewer
rides to choose from.

I don't have a copy of the AERC Veterianry handbook at hand, but it does
call for having at least *one* DVM whose primary function is treatment.
Every ride I've been involved with has had local talent to perform this
function. Probably largely because one can figure on them having their
practice vehicle with supplies on hand.

Maybe it is a good idea, from a liability point of view, to have only
locally licensed veterinary control. But we don't get a professional
lobotomy when we cross a state line.
I'd think long and hard before I made this a rule, though.

Just my 2 cents.

				--CMNewell, DVM

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