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How to discourage beginners

>>>11. Be very careful about giving advice. Make sure your audience is 
>>>willing one

>So what your saying is, if you have no endurance experiance,
> that you have nothing to contribute?.Lighten up.

Anybody who knows me knows that the root of all my humor is the mistakes
I made and am still making.  When I screw up I write a story about it and
sell it.  I figure it's not as profitable for others so I'll let them
know what I MYSELF have done wrong.  I have done practically everything I
discouraged newcomers from doing.  

You claim I was very critical of the original poster....if I recall, the
original poster was Nikki Young.  I was not critical of her, was simply
suggesting what might have happened to her new rider.  I always like to
think that people don't mean to be rude...there was probably a
misunderstanding.  That's what I suggested.  Nikki is a person who I do
run into at rides and her horses always look good.  I haven't ridden with
her because she's faster than I am.  (In other words, I won't be seen
giving her any advice).

By the way, I challenge you to find a beginner that I've been rude to at
a ride.  I am big on recruiting and always say "Hello, are you having
fun...etc" as I go by. 

 By the way, I won't jump on you for not signing, but you could have and
I would have been happy to explain myself to you by name with no hard

Now, I am packing to go to Mississippi to do a RIDE without my DOG  who
is in HEAT (if any of you are missing your males they're in my yard, but
have no fear, they've all mastered the automatic dog feeder.

Angie McGhee

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