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Re: Banning horses from rides
On Thu, 17 Sep 1998 11:47:13 -0600, "Robert Morris"
<bobmorris@rmci.net> wrote:
>At no place in our rules does it deny the Ride Manager the opportunity for
>eliminating the unruly, dangerous horse and/or rider from competition. In
>fact it specifically provides for this action. In fact if a horse acts
>dangerously it can AND SHOULD BE eliminated from the competition at once.
Of course. But would you not agree that it is better if a horse known
to present a danger to other horses and people not be allowed on the
grounds in the first place? Disqualifying the problem horse is small
comfort to the person who's leg has just been broken or whose horse
has just been crippled.
>Our rules do not provide for an action that takes place at "ride A" to be
>punished at "ride C" by the refusal of entry into ride C. Justice should
>be immediate and severe not pondered upon and revengeful.
This is not a question of punishment. It is a question of safety,
whether ride managers have the right to refuse entry to a horse known
to be dangerous.
>Please, from here on out, in this matter, educate your self on the true
>facts and the actual rules as published. If you do not like these rules
>then how about helping the Rules Committee with constructive comments.
That's exactly what I've been doing in this forum.
To be sure there is no misunderstanding: I'm calling for the R.C. and
the B.o.D. to add the language, "a horse with a documented history of
presenting a danger to other horses and people," to the list of
examples of what an entry may be refused for.
Joe Long
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