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Banning horses from rides

To all Ride Camp Members:

This discussion regarding the "so called Banning" has gotten very far from
the basic tenet of what happened and what can and cannot be done.

First let us examine the current rules; 

Go to Rule 3.3 and you will see that it states "An equine which constitutes
a clear danger to other equines and/or persons may be disqualified at any
time from competition, by the ride manager or ride veterinarian" 

Simple is it not! If your horse is a danger you may be disqualified from
that ride. 

Now go to Rule 4 which states "Entry to a ride may not be refused except
for cause" 

Simple is it not! You cannot be barred from entering any ride except for
cause and that cause if not so stated in the rest of the rule it MUST be
determined by the Board or one of the Committees. You cannot be barred from
entering a ride unless the cause for such action had been previously
determined or if a new cause, it is reviewed by the BOD or a full
committee. Seems fair to me.

At no place in our rules does it deny the Ride Manager the opportunity for
eliminating the unruly, dangerous horse and/or rider from competition. In
fact it specifically provides for this action. In fact if a horse acts
dangerously it can AND SHOULD BE eliminated from the competition at once. 

Our rules do not provide for an action that takes place at "ride A" to be
punished at "ride  C"  by the refusal of entry into ride C. Justice should
be immediate and severe not pondered upon and revengeful.

Please, from here on out, in this matter, educate your self on the true
facts and the actual rules as published. If you do not like these rules
then how about helping the Rules Committee with constructive comments.

Bob Morris
Morris Endurance Enterprises
Boise, ID
Member of the Rules Committee from its inception

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