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Re: endurance horse price
In a message dated 98-09-17 13:48:51 EDT, you write:
<< Just to play devil's advocate. Ruining the resources for which group?
Humans, cattle or local indigenous personnel and wildlife? I really
haven't seen too much in the terms of EIRs that support the 20 plus
thousand horses living in feral circumstances have that great an impact
on the desert's balance. There was a time, but it seems the BLM is doing
it's job. BTW, not that I've done much of a search of public records on
cost breakdowns. >>
Yes, BLM is doing its job controlling horse numbers. I simply feel that it
should not be at the taxpayer's expense when there are alternatives. BTW,
yes, I come from a cattle ranching background, but there is no such thing as
"exclusive" use of public lands. I also use public lands as an endurance
rider, a hunter, and for just plain recreation. Feral horses (BTW, Bob Morris
is right that the feral horses by and large are NOT Barb heritage--that is
another beautiful myth not supported by reality) are extremely efficient and
when overpopulated can completely destroy a range. They can outcompete just
about every wild herbivore out there--they can graze closer, paw better,
browse higher, than any indigenous species on this continent, and under
starvation conditions, the deer, elk, etc. will die long before the horses
starve to death. Meanwhile, they can turn the land into a dustbowl. If you
want some facts about this subject, I would suggest the book THE WILD HORSE
CONTROVERSY, by Heather Thomas. It is well-researched, unemotional, and tells
it like it really is.
Heidi Smith, DVM
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